For nostalgic acid flash drive, the Matrix team presents an addon for his replacement Pcb Freedom and gives us the opportunity to flash all the LITE-ON DG16D5S and HITACHI DLN10N 0500/0502 drives.

It took a long time to come, but the Team has officially announced their new for 1175 Freedom Drive, which is simply an addon with their Pcb Cryptocop with which we can easily and simply flash the Lite-On and Hitachi and find . and joys backups "Hard" This solution allows you to read all XGD1 backups, XGD2, and XGD3 DVD360 DVD format from its engraved. Has What is needed? - A dump of the console - The CPU key Console - A Pcb Matrix - A program with a USB Freedom addon CryptoCop - D5S Manager Software Exchange board of the player by the pcb replacement, connect the 1175 Freedom to Freedom program USB, launch the software and in a minute the pcb is ready to be used.

Official site: