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Thread: GDC 07: Sony proves they don't care about PSP

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp GDC 07: Sony proves they don't care about PSP

    via pspfanboy

    Phil Harrison's conference has come and gone, and although the audience was cheering throughout, Sony has proved one thing: the PSP doesn't matter. Well, at least not to Sony's "Game 3.0" idea. The PSP is able to do everything the PS3 can: use wi-fi, download files, take pictures, display video, and more. Why not incorporate a PSP version of Home, instead of making a "Virtual PSP" on the PS3? Why not add the Playstation Network to the PSP? The complete absence of Sony's handheld makes me believe that the platform simply doesn't matter to them right now: let's hope I'm wrong.

    Expect some very specific PSP-prodding at Sony's bloggers meeting tomorrow.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular Ultima Chocochu's Avatar
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    That's kinda sad if they don't, the PSP has lot's of potential(other than homebrew), just no one's gotten very far with it.

  3. #3
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    I wouldn't be interested in using something like home in the psp. Not powerfull enough.

  4. #4


    Sony is killing the PSP. It's not homebrew or piracy (though I'm sure the latter isn't helping), it's Sony squandering its potential. I know that they're trying to make that lead brick called the PS3 float, but can't they throw us loyal PSP owners a bone or two?

  5. #5
    Wii User zidanerick's Avatar
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    3 Things killed the PSP and i can honestly tell u this as i never intended to buy one, luck had it that i won a psp in a competition.

    1. Price
    The PSP is still way overpriced, it should be on par with the PS2 or at least closer to it, if sony really wants to bring some support back to it drop it to the price of the DS

    2. 3rd Party/Exclusive Titles
    I seriously couldnt name a single title that was only on the psp before i got one hence the lack of desire to get one, yes i know the "Stories" series of GTA is exclusive but seriously GTA has been beaten to death with a rubber mallet.

    3. WOW Factor
    What can the PSP do that nothing else in the console world can do? NOTHING. The DS has a Touch Screen, the XBOX has Live, the PS2 has the Eye Toy and Guitar Hero. Cmon there needs to be something to grab someones attention other then saying they can re-buy their movie collection to rewatch on a screen smaller then their hand.
    I know the UMD Movie line is dead before anyone says anything.

    My Guide for the 2nd Coming of the PSP

    Embrace Homebrew! They dont have to say "You can run your snes games" all they have to say is that u can use over 1000+ "Plugins" to do various tasks and even host it on their website, seriously almost everyone would be interested in the prospect of using their PSP to chat on MSN or to have it as a universal remote.

    DivX Movie Playback!
    70% of the Population on the internet has used filesharing at one time or another, so wouldnt it make sense for sony to just let them have what they want instead of complaining about it, they are going to do it anyway so why not just let them do it.

    Use the PSP as a Virtual Client for the PS3
    Im not talking about being able to control the PS3, im talking about being able to use the PSP as an external screen for the PS3 even if its just to stream movies around the house but the ultimate would be to play PS3 with your PSP in the bathtub/bed/toilet wherever, this is what people first thought the connectivity would be between the PS3/PSP and the approval was deafening so why not listen to the people.

    I used to be a SONY fanboy, and in some ways the PS1 will always be in my heart ^_^ but seriously sony needs to get their act together or in less then 10 years they will be the spawn of SEGA except that SONY dont actually have any programming talent.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie belialone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zidanerick View Post
    2. 3rd Party/Exclusive Titles
    I seriously couldnt name a single title that was only on the psp before i got one hence the lack of desire to get one, yes i know the "Stories" series of GTA is exclusive but seriously GTA has been beaten to death with a rubber mallet.
    liberty city stories is actually out for ps2 too
    so its not really exclusive

    maybe we will see the downfall of a great system soon

    psp is going to die out within 2 years from now

    there is no real killer app on psp except maybe devhook
    but that doesnt count cuz its homebrew and thats why psp is going
    to die out

    if sony would somehow integrate homebrew into their software lineup
    psp could live on for more than 5 years

    there is a little chance that we will see a change in sonys psp
    marketingstrategy cuz there concentrating on ps3 and the war
    against the minisoft y-box 180

    psp is a great handheld system but it was definitely not sonys
    guys like fanjita, booster, DarkAlex and all the others made the psp
    worth the money and created a community around it

    thank to all the haxors

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by ab88 View Post
    I wouldn't be interested in using something like home in the psp. Not powerfull enough.
    I agree 100%. The PSP isn't even practical for web browsing, due to its lack of power, low screen resolution, and pathetic battery life with wifi enabled. Why would anyone think a gigantic online social network would work?

  8. #8
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    via pspfanboy
    let's hope I'm wrong.
    Sadly I don't think you are.
    I mean what's left for poor 'ol S0NYŽ™, I mean they come up w/a Security Update to stop this Site 'Cold Dead'.
    Ah but, alas we have such Wonderful People in this "Scene" like Dark_Alex and Fanjita help S0NYŽ™ in getting there Arse duly handed to 'em, Time and Tide again.

    I think the only thing S0NYŽ™ has / had going for it was the Popstaion™, alas I fear that we'll not see many updates (e.g. Multi-Disc J-RPG's), being released now, cause that would be "THE END"!

    .... At least for me!

    p.s. I can not evern remember the last time I botherd picking my PSP™ up. I suppose it was at least a few Weeks ago now.
    When we had that PSP Weather Homebew, alas it requierd a v1.50 Firmware to work, which is rather nice, but W(ho)TF is still useing v1.50 these Days?!
    I'd never thougt I'd give my PSP™ up but I found myself lending it to my Dad so he could watch some Movies on it while he was away.

    At least in this way the PSP™ could be useful for someone!

    Do I have any regrets?! ~Humm~ yeah I guess I do..
    Has the PSP™ tought me to never purchase any new S0NY Sh*t on Release Day?!


  9. #9
    DCEmu Pro The King's Avatar
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    yo i personaly only got my psp for music but it does seem that wat all of ya are saying seems to be true

    sad but true

    sony should just stop trying to stop home brew and help it because sadly thats the only thing that is keeping the psp alive aside of that its gona die within a few years from now

    aggain said but true I think that if sony keeps up it will die and not even get close to the DS in gaming and enternainment

    i also think that they will lose aggains microsoft
    ps3 has alot more potential than the xbox but the box has a year ahead of them in gaming and populaity

  10. #10
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    Home could function on the PSP, but it would have to be so severly degraded that it might not even be worth it. Without a standard keyboard, we wouldn't have a prayer at timely, real time chat.

    However the PSP absolutely NEEDS an online community. The PSP could probably handle something like Nintendo's Miis graphically but not Home.

    They could easily do it, just make the Homes less interactive, scale down the graphics and make keyboard hardware for the PSP.

    But I have said this for a long time and will continue to say it until either it gets done or the PSP dies. The PSP NEEDS an online community. If Sony gave us that, the PSP would see a much larger increase in sales, especially if they adopted an Xbox Live Arcade style setup, where PSP users can jump in, play some old game titles on their PSPs, maybe hop over to the pool table with some friends they met or bowling alley, etc.

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