Four British men belonging to the hacking group Lulzsec, responsible for a number of high profile cyber attacks, have today been handed jail sentences.
The hackers, Ryan Cleary, Jake Davis, Mustafa al-Bassam and Ryan Ackroyd were jailed over their involvement in a number of cyber attacks on high-profile organisations.
Targets of the group included News International, EA, Sony Pictures and the UK Serious Organised Crime Agency.
As part of the attacks, the group targeted the high-profile targets and infiltrated each firm's security in order to obtain sensitive data and post it online, whilst also knocking some of the targets' own websites offline.
The men received sentences of between 20 and 32 months for their individual involvement in the attacks, whilst also facing the possibility of extradition to the USA in order to face trial by US officials after they filed their own indictments.
In addition to the hacking charges, which include infiltration the US Air Force's computer systems, Cleary pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images of both babies and children, of which he will face additional charges at a later date.
Meanwhile, Ackroyd faces further charges after pleading guilty to carrying out an unauthorised act to impair the operation of a computer, in addition to stealing data from Sony.
The final men, Bassam and Davis, both plead guilty to charges of hacking and launching cyber attacks against high-profile organisations, including the CIA.