Young UK adults are more intimate with their phones than their partners.
A stonking 94 per cent of young UK adults have admitted that they would rather live without sex for a week than spend seven days away from their mobile phone, according to a new poll from
The survey polled 2,571 UK adults aged between 18 and 30; all of which were mobile phone owners and in a relationship.
When asked to describe how they value their mobile phones, 65 per cent confessed that they ‘couldn’t live without it’, while 22 per cent said that they were ‘very dependent’ on their handset.
Meanwhile, ten per cent claimed that they could ‘take or leave’ their mobile, while one per cent said that they needed it ‘just occasionally’. Two per cent stated that they could ‘easily live without it’.
The research also aimed to find out about what people would rather live without than their phone for a weeklong period, in order to get an insight into how far Britons would go to keep their mobile phones nearby.
The full findings were as follows:
1. Sex – 94 per cent (of people said they’d rather live without this than their mobile phone for a week)
2. TV/Film – 82 per cent
3. Car – 71 per cent
4. My partner – 62 per cent
5. Bed – 55 per cent
6. Money – 47 per cent
7. Basic meals – 45 per cent
8. House – 32 per cent
9. Any other human contact – 23 per cent
10. Own children – nine per cent

Despite so many claiming that they couldn’t live without their mobile phone, only 12 per cent claimed to have an insurance policy for their mobile phone.
Jason Brockman, Director of, commented: “I think the key thing to take from this research is that almost 90 per cent of people either said they couldn’t live without their mobile phone or that they were very dependent on it, yet just 12 per cent of the total respondents had an insurance policy in place in case something went wrong.
“That seems very bizarre to me. Why not protect something if you couldn’t live without it? It was intriguing to see that some people would even be willing to go without any other human contact for seven days instead of their phone and, as for the nine per cent that would go without seeing their own children for a week instead of their phone, perhaps they need to get their priorities straight!”