Two big titles from the Japanese games development scene are being converted for PC.
In separate announcements Square Enix revealed that 1998 release Final Fantasy VIII is to get an HD rework and re-release on PC. The same happened with its popular predecessor Final Fantasy VII last year.
Perhaps more excitingly Platinum Games has announced plans to bring Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance to PC.
This is great for two reasons. Firstly, too many of the Metal Gear games aren’t available on PC, so more releases are always welcomed. More importantly though the release will mark the debut of Platinum on the PC platform.
Could this mean there’s a chance of titles such as Bayonetta and Vanquish making the jump to Windows?
All of this points to a change of attitude for many Japanese developers who have typically either shunned the idea of PC releases or else not impressed with the quality of their ports. Dark Souls immediately springs to mind.