Together they're strong, but Google's OS is the dominant force.
IDC has released the Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, which reveals 216.2 million smartphone shipments were made in Q1 2013, rising from 152.7m the previous year.
Data shows that Android and iOS destroyed all other operating system competition in Q1 2013 and collectively secured a 92.3 per cent share of all smartphone shipments. Android was the clear leader with a 75 per cent share (162.1m devices) and Apple 17.3 per cent (37.4m).
On a year-on-year basis, Apple's share fell from 23 per cent in 2012, but its volume of shipped iPhones rose by more than two million to reach 37.4 million devices – its largest ever Q1 figures.
BlackBerry experienced severe declines, falling to 6.3 million devices and a 2.9 per cent market share from 9.7 million and 6.4 per cent in Q1 2012. Meanwhile Windows Phone bagged the third place at the expense of BlackBerry, shipping seven million devices and securing a 3.2 per cent share, compared to three million and two per cent the previous year.
Ramon Llamas, research manager with IDC's mobile phone team, said: "Underpinning the worldwide smartphone market is the constantly shifting operating system landscape. Android and iOS accounted for more than the lion's share of smartphones in the first quarter, but a closer examination of the other platforms reveals turnaround and demand for alternatives.
"Windows Phone has benefited from Nokia's participation, and BlackBerry's new BB10 devices have already hit a million units shipped in its first quarter of availability."
Kevin Restivo, senior research analyst with IDC's Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker, added: "Windows Phone claiming the third spot is a first and helps validate the direction taken by Microsoft and key partner Nokia. Given the relatively low volume generated, the Windows Phone camp will need to show further gains to solidify its status as an alterative to Android or iOS."