Former EA CEO John Riccitiello has said Microsoft and Sony need to 'avoid alarming DRM schemes' with their new consoles, and focus on gaming over multimedia services.
In a guest post on Kotaku, Riccitiello discussed how he thinks Sony and Microsoft should approach the next-gen console transition, outlining his concerns with DRM, supply, pricing and overemphasis of multimedia functionality."Some gamers fear the new consoles could be more about a DRM-walled garden than about enabling new types of connected gameplay," he said, likely in relation to the persistent and much-debated 'always-online' next Xbox rumour.
"I don't believe consoles managed as walled-gardens will succeed longer term," said Riccitiello, adding that consoles should feature increased connectivity in intuitive ways.
"It needs to be simple, seamless and without a bunch of headaches with multiple registration, identity and pay gates. The walled garden will fall eventually. At launch, Sony and Microsoft must avoid putting up new and alarming DRM schemes, and focus on enabling the cool new game experiences that seamlessly connected consoles allow," he said.
Riccitiello said the platform holders need to "invest to make sure there are enough of the new consoles out there" for launch, and that "getting the price right is a very important part of the equation."
Also important is the need to focus on impressing 'core' gamers, argues Riccitiello. Microsoft in particular has placed increased emphasis on multimedia content delivery on Xbox 360 in recent years, with many expecting a similar approach for its next console, but Riccitiello believes both MS and Sony should focus on gaming.
"I certainly see the temptation to emphasize all sorts of experiences that these boxes might bring to the living room. These new machines can do a lot," he said. "The risk is that either or both of the new platforms emphasize these 'value-add' experiences too much, both in the user interface on the consoles themselves, or in the story they tell consumers when they unleash their avalanche of advertising."
All will be revealed tomorrow, May 21, at Microsoft's next Xbox reveal event.
Riccitiello resigned from EA on March 30, replaced in the short term by Larry Probst, who will stand in as Executive Chairman.