Remember when you were little, and that kid who stole your Grimlock figure tried to run away, but you caught him and beat his face in until he wept for mercy? And your parents made you say sorry, but the first time you said it you were all "...sorry...", and even though he snorted through his busted teeth "dath okay" they just looked at you sternly and said "now say it like you mean it"? And you did?

That's what Microsoft are doing. Sorry, just took me a while to get there. After their Old Spice/Xbox Rewards extravaganza got off to a shaky start and some people got messed around, they came out and said "sorry". Good, but not good enough it seems. They could do better, like sending everyone who experienced "difficulties" logging into the competition two free XBLA games (Joust and Robotron) along with a very polite letter apologising for the errors.

Awfully good of you, Microsoft. Now run along, and make sure it doesn't happen again.

via kotaku