Publisher will keep on developing titles for current-gen consoles until at least 2017

Publisher EA has reassured Xbox 360 and PS3 owners that it will continue to support the consoles.
Speaking at the Stifel 2013 Technology Conference, EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said that it will continue to develop and release titles for both machines until at least 2017, according toGameSpot.

Of course, it’s not unknown for a publisher to change its mind should sales dip more than expected, but with a large and active install base still supporting both machines its entirely possible they could live on.
Much, of course, will depend on the hunger with which gamers adopt new platforms like PS4 and Xbox One.
EA games such as Battlefield 4 and FIFA 14 are currently in development for both machines. There’s talk of a new Need for Speed being announced today, too, and you can also expect a current gen release for that.