Given the popularity of smartphones, it's inevitable that they're damaged on occasion. But it would appear that iPhone users are paying more than most.
As the technology behind smart devices continues to evolve, the intricate process of producing them becomes increasingly complex, something that's having a direct impact on both the initial cost of the device, and the costs incurred when repairing it.
But a report by CNET has discovered that the repair costs of the iPhone 5 are significantly higher than its predecessors.
Within the report, it is noted that Apple charges $229 to replace a broken screen on the iPhone 5, which is a sizeable sum considering the device's price tag of $650 minus a pay monthly contract. Meanwhile, users who opt for Apple's AppleCare warranty service face a reduced fee of $49.
The increase of these heightened costs is further highlighted when compared to the repair costs of previous iPhone devices. Just two years ago, a broken screen repair from Apple cost $199.
But despite the alleged complexity of the iPhone 5's design, multiple repair sites maintain that the device is one of the easiest devices to repair, which would put the inflated repair costs into question.
Meanwhile, a number of third-party repair outlets are unable to provide a repair service for the iPhone 5 given the costs involved.
Users expect to pay a premium to have their devices repaired, potentially at a higher rate from Apple directly. But given the initial cost of smart devices today, the rate of inflation on repair costs could soon see consumers paying thousands to purchase a device and keep its condition maintained.
Now might be a good time to buy that reinforced case. One drop might be more costly than you first anticipate.