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Thread: AireplayNDS Released

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    NDS AireplayNDS Released

    News from JSR

    Aireplay is a Wifi Packet injection software, well known for Wifi Hacking.
    I decided to port it to NDS as most of the new Wifi Chipset allow only Packet Capture and Aireplay is only available on Linux. Having a mobile wifi hacking solution is also a good idea...
    In this build, the only activated function is the Broadcast Deauthentification module which allow to deauthenticate every user connected to a specific Access Point. It's useful for capturing ARP Request or flooding the wifi trafic.

    Most of Aireplay Linux functions are ported but not included. The NDS Wifi Driver allow only capture of packet sended at 1/2mbit rate. As all the function, unless the one included in this build, require capturing some packet from client side, you can't use them as the Client send them at over 2mbit rate(11mbit...).
    I have no solution for this problem. If you have an idea/solution to set/slowdown the traffic rate to 2mbit, send me an email here : jsr(.)exp(@)gmail(.)com.
    I will implement your solution and release a full build.

    Usage :

    AireplayNDS_EarlyBuild.nds for NDS Cart (Slot-1)
    AireplayNDS_EarlyBuild.ds.gba for GBA Cart (Slot-2)

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

  2. #2


    I was waiting for a better AP scanning app, this is great. On my M3 Slot-1 adapter it doesn't get past the top screen displaying -----debug-print------ with a blank nothing on the button. It is unresponsive to all the buttons. Hopefully there will be some DLDI support in the final build. Can't wait to see this up and running!

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular StealthCP's Avatar
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    Hello hello...

    This does sound pretty good, injecting packets with the DS and capturing them on the laptop.. I must mention this to Andrew, mabye he'll get a DS after all...

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    mmm stupid question... what does it do exactly can someone explain me the package thing?

  5. #5


    What is packet injection, and it's purpose? I would like to flood the WiFi Network when I can't get a d@mn connection on my laptop, or when my roomates hog MY computer and piss me off }

  6. #6


    what does it do (i accedently did it on myself is that bad

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