Sony plans to let Vita owners watch a livestream of its pre-E3 press conference.
Asked whether it will be possible to view the event on Vita, European PlayStation Blog manager Fred Dutton said: "We're finalising plans now, but yes, you will be able to watch the show somewhere, somehow on your Vita."Sony's E3 event kicks off at 6pm Pacific Time on June 10, eight hours after Microsoft's E3 press conference begins.
Sony revealed PS4 in February. It has yet to show off the PS4 console itself, but the company recently teased plans to unveil the hardware at its E3 conference.
The platform holder has confirmed a PS4 release date of "holiday 2013" in at least one of Japan, Europe and the US.
CVG recently reported that Sony has determined Europe a high-priority territory in the next generation sales race and will ensure the PS4 launch is not delayed into 2014.
The first round of European PS4 advertising would appear to back this up, although Sony has played down the significance of a number of adverts stating that PS4 is "coming 2013".