The tranquil sights and sounds of developer thatgamecompany's cult PSN game, Flower, are making their way to Vita.

The portable version of the game has been let slip by the official list of games set to appear at theIndieCade booth at E3 in June.Flower was the second of three popular games from thatgamecompany released for PS3 via PSN. Like its predecessor flOw, and successor Journey, Flower is more of an audiovisual experience than a video game in the traditional sense.
It sees the player tilt the controller to control the wind, blowing a flower petal near other flowers, causing them to sprout and spread life-giving colour in an initially grey, lifeless landscape.
Starting life as a PS3 exclusive, flOw eventually made its way to PSP, and the revelation of Flower for Vita offers fans of the critically acclaimed Journey hope that it may too go portable in future.
Polygon has the full list of IndieCade E3 titles.