'Microsoft has been focused elsewhere up until now,' says Double Fine boss

It’s critical for Microsoft to reach out more to indies to convince them to develop games for the Xbox One, says Tim Schafer.
Speaking to Edge, the Double Fine boss said that up until now, Microsoft had focused its attentions elsewhere, and explained that it was critical for the computing giant to begin talking to indies given the plethora of other avenues and platforms open to developers.

Schafer cited the likes of Steam and mobile as platforms that had proven profitable for indies, and that, as far as Double Fine goes, it doesn’t need to go through the “arduous” process of finding a publisher just to release a title on a certain platform.
He added that while Microsoft had seemingly yet to make a big move in the space, Sony had already reached out to Double and asked for its opinions on the PS4 and what developers would like to see on the console.
“Sony has reached out to us and asked us our opinions about what we’d like to see with new platforms and they’ve been really good with indies - allowing them self-publish and entering into partnerships and stuff like that,” said Schafer.
