Nival Interactive's WWII RTS Frontline: Fields of Thunder, which focuses on the battle for the Kursk Salient - one of the major tank engagements from WWII - can be taken for spin in a demo that's recently released.

The demo features two levels, The Berezov village and Artillery at work, and drops you into the combat boots of Soviet forces. Both missions are detailed below:

The Berezov village: Beat back waves of German forces in different strategic locations. As the Germans will attack on multiple sides, your defense needs to be organized so that they cannot break through from either side. As each assault is defeated, the player will receive reinforcements and get a new objective.

Artillery at work: Defend the heights from German assaults. The enemy is using both armour and air power, so be prepared for possible air strikes and to use your interceptors and artillery. Help colonel Borisov hold his position while keeping an eye out for German scouting parties. Experience battle with heavy armoured vehicles, such as "Tigers" and "Ferdinands", which will require you to both be cautious and act rapidly. And do not forget about the enemy's long-range artillery and air force.

Grab the demo here.

Frontline: Fields of Thunder is out on April 6 in the UK and comes bundled with freebie Hearts of Iron II.