A lot of people got very exciting earlier when MCV reported that FIFA 14 on Xbox One is up for pre-order for £90 on Amazon.
The same article also pointed out that Xbox One pre-orders are currently priced at £599.
Now, in no way was this article saying that MCV believes FIFA 14 will retail for £90 or that Xbox One will retail for £599. Obviously not, because both of these things are highly unlikely.
Are placeholder pages on retail sites completely without meaning? Should they be 100 per cent disregarded? Some MCV readers clearly think so. Us? We know better than that.
William Hill is clearly giving the reports a far greater sense of gravity, however. The betting specialist is currently welcoming bets at 8/11 that the Xbox One will retail at over £500. It’s offering evens on it costing less than £500.
It’s also offering 8/11 on FIFA 14 costing £60 or more and evens at it costing £59.99 or less.
"As things stand, no one knows how much the console will cost let alone the games,” William Hill spokesman Joe Crilly stated. “But we reckon there is every chance that they will be a lot less than some sites are predicting."
Had we read any outlets ‘predicting’ that these prices are accurate we’d wholeheartedly agree, Joe.
