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Thread: Want to go in one some PlanetWeb 3.0 web browsers with me?

  1. #1
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    Default Want to go in one some PlanetWeb 3.0 web browsers with me?

    I just hit up the planet web guy over at eBay and he said:

    "Hi Kooldiceoner, has been temporarily removed because Planeweb is moving facilities. It will be restore in 30-60 days.
    We can offer you $17.50 each if you purchase 5, with a single $5 shipping fee. If you purchase 10 we'll offer you $15.00, again with a $5 shipping fee. The current auction includes a shipping fee, but from time-to-time we do offer "free" shipping. We don't have a scheduled time for the next promotion, sorry.
    Sincerely, Planetweb"

    If you'd like to get a web browser disc with me, let me know. I'll send you an invoice via paypal.

    Additionally if you know of a cheaper place to get them, fill me in.

  2. #2


    Sega Europe ships DreamKey v3.0 for free. It's based on the Japanese DreamPassport I think.

    Ordering it worked for some in North- and South-America in the past (including free shipping!), but because of the different video norm it's obviously of any real interest for (EU/AU/BR/AR) PAL users only:

    Quote Originally Posted by Sega Support
    Where can I obtain a DreamKey CD ?

    Dreamkey CDs are available free of charge from SEGA Europe. Send your name and postal address via the 'Ask A Question' tab above and a Dreamkey disc will be ordered for you. Please allow 28 days for delivery.

    Please be aware SEGA Europe can only reply to correspondence in English or French languages.

    In the 'Ask A Question' tab, you should enter something like this:

    User Name: ________ (enter your email address)

    Question Data
    • Subject: ________ (enter "DreamKey 3.0" - or "DreamKey 3.1" if you do speak Spanish or Portoguese)
    • Question: ________ (enter your name and your postal adress)

    Additional Information
    • Product: ________ (choose "Dreamcast")
        • ________ (choose "DreamKey")
    • Category: ________ (choose "Game Disc and Packaging")

  3. #3
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Armagh, Ireland
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    sega of europe are not sending out Dreamkrys outside of europe anymore. To many people where asking for them.

    Has anyone tried contacting sega of America (saying that sega of europe are still sending out the discs but are telling US people to contact SOA to get the browser disc of them)

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