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Thread: Are Nintendo fanboys hurting the Wii's 3rd-party support? One fansite editor speaks

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev Are Nintendo fanboys hurting the Wii's 3rd-party support? One fansite editor speaks

    via joystiq

    Who's at fault for Nintendo's lack of third-party support: Nintendo, the developers, or the fans themselves? Kevin Cassidy, founder of website GoNintendo, places the blame on the Nintendo community for showing reluctance or unwarranted disdain toward third-party Wii games.

    The rant, part of Newsweek writer N'Gai Croal's P2P series, makes a point out of Dewy's Adventure, a game he feels internet users have called in "kiddie" based on its looks alone, subsequently refusing to give it a chance. This is a problem Nintendo had when revealing Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker to be a cel-shaded romp with a pre-adolescent Link. Of course, that game sold well on merit of its Nintendo roots. Dewy's Adventure isn't even out yet, so opinions have room to alter wildly between now and its release later this year.

    Is the "kiddie" problem inherently Nintendo's, though? Regard Microsoft's Viva Pinata, a game that has been praised widely but suffers from low (though steady) sales. Is the kiddie image of the title affecting other consoles, too? Cassidy opines that Nintendo fans are clamoring for "mature" titles that include violence and gore, but we feel this is a more universal trend that is affecting all consoles.

    A prong in Cassidy's rant also concerns titles rehashed by Ubisoft and EA: "Prince of Persia: Rival Swords; Godfather: Blackhand Edition; Scarface; Mortal Kombat: Armageddon -- fans lambaste them all because they appeared on last-generation platforms." He's right, but are the fans wrong? Publishers are still testing the water on how to cleverly use the Wii remote since the Nintendo versions are not going to have an advantage in the graphics or online department. The perception of the aforementioned titles is that they are simply rehashed games from last generation with motion controls tacked on. Rehashes are part of all early console cycles, and they will continue to spark ire in online communities until developers figure out how to get an optimal financial return on what they release.

    Ultimately, you can't trust all the opinions written online; the real indicator is sales figures -- everyone gripes about the annual Madden upgrades, yet they are still a mainstay of yearly top software sales lists. Ubisoft and EA have expressed satisfaction so far on the Wii sales figures.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie WastingTheDawn's Avatar
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    Whats hurting the Wii and might just end up killing it?

    Its not just Thrid Party support.Online as well.Thrid party is weak for the Wii as we all know.But keep in mind its already stronger than the gamecubes and we all know the gamecube shoulda been the final nail in the coffin for Nintendo.Due to The DS,there past,and Nintendo exclusives such as Zelda,Mario,Pokemon,and Metroid.They managed to pull off a small next gen console with a big puch.The Wii's Online may finally put Nintendos credit to the gamers to hell.We all know Xbox Live.And now the new PS3 HOME.Its the answer to Mii's.Which will destory the fun of your Mii,cause no offence Home is alot more fun and creative.So the Mii is most likly dying but what about the games.You can download VC titles. PS3 and XBLA offer the same thing but no Nintendo exculsives.But as of yet no Wii online games.Why buy Call of Duty 3 when you buy it for the PS3,XBOX 360,or even PS2 and be able to play online.Same goes for NFS Carbon.Why go buy these games if you value online play.Which in most cases thats what there purchased for.Online is a massive market and Nintendo has only been at the tip of the iceberg while its rivals collect of the rewards of online.Wii is so small in size but can be so big in the market.Now back to Thrid Party.Nintendo needs to be more open to Thrid Party titles.I know Nintendos aiming to please the more younger gamer while X360 and PS3 appeal more to the mature gamer.If they would allow more Mature & Teen titles in they would have a huge post in Thrid party.Just think GTA WII or Metal Gear Wii.Nintendo has been given a gift card from the heavens with the Wii.Now its up to them to put it to use

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend acn010's Avatar
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    hmm. it seems theres a confusion here..

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    With the wii having just been launched a little over four months ago, and even less on the world wide market. I find it insulting to our intelligence that people can claim the wii is suffering from lack of third party support.

    A little over four months people. That's It. That's the time window that nintendo has had in the sun. And people expect them to turn around years of sluggish sales and next to null third party support over night!?

    Who's being unrealistic here?

    It took sony years to build up their third party support to the level its currently enjoying.
    And yet unrealistic notions from children who must have eaten paint chips, complain that nintendo, who is just now for the first time in two generations starting to pull ahead, "has no third party support" (WELL FREAKING DUH!!) roam wasn't built in a day.. and turning an entire business around takes some time.

    Make no mistake. Nintendo has this generation. Its turning things around in ways that haven't been seen since the NES.
    Nintendo has the win. But damn. To expect them to start whipping out resident evils,final fantasy's,
    God of wars, And other high profile titles. Do you honestly think four months is enough time to convince third parties to just jump ship and swim to nintendo?

    The psx was doomed until FF7 was released, and if im not mistaken. It wasn't released four months after the systems launch.

    Peace out.

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    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    As usual Prophet has has hit the proverbial nail squarley in the head.

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