Samsung's CEO has hit back at claims that sales of the device are slowing down, all be it in unconvincing fashion.
A report issued by JPMorgan last week indicated that sales of the Galaxy S4 had begun to slow, which subsequently resulted in Samsung's share price slipping by six per cent.
Within the report, JPMorgan estimated sales of the device to be "20-30 per cent lower" than Samsung had previously expected.
Following the report, Samsung CEO JK Shin has denied the claims, stating sales of the S4 are "fine".
Now, with all of the eccentric personalities in the technology world, you'd be hard pressed to find anyone willing to describe anything as "fine", let alone their own product that's been accused of slow sales.
But that's exactly what Shin said to the Korea Times: "I can say sales of the Galaxy S4 smartphone are fine. It's been selling well."
No matter how you look at it, fine is fine. Exceptionally fine? Spectacularly fine? It doesn't exactly instill confidence and is guaranteed to cause more concern than it calms.
Still, the abundance of Galaxy S4 spin-off devices that Samsung has recently revealed would indicate that the firm is still firmly behind the device, even if the new devices cannibalise the sales of the original S4.
Shin also let slip that Samsung had another product to unveil at its Premier event later this month, describing the device as the firm's "latest mirrorless camera that runs on Google's Android software."
That build-up would all but confirm it well indeed be the debut of the long awaited Samsung Galaxy Camera 2.