Takehiko Terada also predicts middleware will become more specialised for next-gen platforms

Silicon Studio's Takehiko Terada has suggested that the Xbox One will attract more Japanese developers than previously seen.
While it wasn't clear if he was drawing a comparison with previous Microsoft consoles or the other next-gen platforms, the CEO of the Japanese middleware outfit behind Yebis 2 is confident the Xbox One will provide an attractive proposition for studios in his homeland.

"The Xbox One is both powerful and flexible, especially since its DirectX-based technology makes it easy to port games from PC. Microsoft has also been very supportive of our international outreach for Yebis 2," he said in a statement to the press, later adding: "I definitely believe the Xbox One is friendlier for Japanese developers, and as more Japanese developers bring out new titles on the Xbox One, more Japanese gamers will show some interest in the new console."
He also predicted that next-generation consoles will encourage the creation of more highly specialised middleware, with a positive effect on game budgets.
"Middleware software is getting more specific and more specialised so it will definitely help game developers to save money on in-house development," he stated.
