Xbox One games will not cost more than Xbox 360 titles.That’s the pledge from Microsoft, with a rep telling Polygon that "I can confirm that Microsoft Studios games on Xbox One will be $59.99”. Which seems pretty definitive.For once it seems to be Sony that is being less informative. Kotaku reports that CEO Jack Tretton had previously told CNBC that Sony was “going to welcome free-to-play models, games from $.99 up to those $60 games”.However, subsequent to that interview Sony’s E3 reps were reportedly unwilling to offer any confirmation on PS4 software RRP. In fact, Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida claimed to know PS4 software pricing, but was told by his PR minder that “he was not permitted to officially reveal” the information.Predictably none of the major publishers has yet gone on record to discuss software RRPs for the next-gen machines.