via PS3 Fanboy

In an interesting interview on the show CEO Exchange (which has not yet aired), Sony Chairman CEO, Sir Howard Stringer, lets loose on a myriad of Sony's challenges and recent failures. Here's a sampling of the more interesting topics that Sir Howard comments on:

- Sony failed to capitalize on the Walkman for domination in the digital music world (they apparently had an iPod and an iTunes equivalent 5 years before Apple, but they weren't software-centric and were scared of digital distribution being one of the world's largest publishers of music).

- HD DVD is a "transitional" technology that is in a losing battle to Blu-ray... they only have one thing going for them: an exclusive with Universal. "Good luck to them."

- The Wii vs. PS3 debate isn't really comparing apples to apples. "Wii is a wonderful device, but has a different target audience. If we fail, it is because we positioned PS3 as the Mercedes of the video game field. PS3 is after a different audience and it can be whatever it wants - a home server, game device, even a computer." The article does not mention arch enemy Microsoft or the Xbox 360.

Hey, Howard, what's with this "If we fail" commentary? Failure is not an option... time to burn the boats. You can read the full article over at Smarthouse.

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