Codemasters has released a multiplayer demo of KDV Games' PC RTS Maelstrom for download.

The demo features two multiplayer battlegrounds, Top of the Hill supporting two players and Lair of the Devil four combatants. The former map finds two of the game's factions the Remnants and the Hai-Genti battling to destroy each other's bases, while also attempting to reach the hill's summit first.

"The first to reach the summit will gain control of the water pump at the top of the hill, so strategic terraforming and dam building will be crucial for the Remnants to save their base from possible flooding by the aquatic aliens," Codemasters has explained.

It's added in regards Lair of the Devil, "Lair of the Devil, enables players to again compete as either the human, guerrilla-fighting Remnants or the collective hive-mind of the Hai-Genti aliens. This map is a barren and volcanic vision of the future, and is one of the 14 multiplayer maps available in the full game."

via cvg