A survey has found that wearable technology is proving popular amongst consumers, with many eager to adopt such devices.
Results of a new report from Forrester reveal 21.6 million US online consumers – 12 per cent of the country's population – would be willing to wear augmented reality eyeglasses, if they carry a trusted brand name.
In other words: Google Glass.
Following the survey, Forrester highlighted the demand for wearable tech, predicting such devices could experience the same success that the iPhone generated on its release.
"Not since Apple's iPhone debuted in 2007 has a computing device attracted as much attention as Google Glass," said Sarah Rotman, Forrester analyst, within the report.
"We have no doubt that in time, Glass will be the next iPhone."
Expected to be available to consumers in 2014, Google Glass combines augmented reality and wearable technology together, providing users with the ability to take photos, record videos, chat, receive directions, browse the web and other features commonly found on mobile devices.
