via Nintendo Wii Fanboy

Seriously, we want you to let go of your mouse, take your other hand out of the box Cheez-Its (we assume you browse the net like we do) and give these fine gentleman responsible for the above technological marvel a round of applause. These two dudes have managed to harness the power of the Sun (the bane of any good gamer's existence) and use it to power the Wii, a television and set of speakers.

With the TV and speakers requiring around 130 watts to operate and the Wii needing a smaller 40-45 watts, in direct sunlight, during a normal sunny day, they can get from 6 to 8 hours of game time out of this bad boy. That's more than enough time to throw down in some Wii Sports: Bowling or maybe get some people together in the parking lot outside of the Wendy's for some multiplayer WarioWare: Smooth Moves. So where do they take their new toy? Down to Venice Beach, of course!