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Thread: The Proof for Christ's Claims

  1. #11


    Why is it that you christians always feel you have to convince others that your god exists?
    I think it is because Jesus told us to spread the news about him. And we're trying to save you.

    theICE_MAN, I don't think anyone was flaming...

  2. #12
    DCEmu Pro AvengedSevenfold Fan's Avatar
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    We believe that if you don't accept Christ, you will burn in Hell. We do it because we care.

  3. #13
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    ah the christians have arrived!!! lol anywho i really dont want you guys to burn in hell so im simply giving you the facts so you can decide for yourself lol.

    EDIT: i re-read what everyone said and they werent flaming so i edited my post earlier asking them not to. i just get a bit worked up with this stuff

  4. #14
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm not here to flame anybody. I'm on IceMan's side here. All he did was write a short article about Jesus, with the hope of educating Atheists, even though we know about it (atleast I do).

    Guys, forums are here to relate, learn, and become friends with one another and discuss things with people from various backgrounds, cultures, and continents. We should listen to them, instead of blowing them off!

    IceMan: I DO think Jesus existed. There are records of his execution from the Ancient Roman Government. Since I'm a freethinker, I'll accept anything if there is enough evidence.

  5. #15
    DCEmu Old Pro bullhead's Avatar
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    Refer to my previous point again; why is it that you still feel you need to defend your religion? If you are confident in its legitimacy, then stop speaking of it. I have heard the stories over and over, and im content with my rejection of these stories of how one should live, please can you be quiet and be content with your own beliefs.
    We don't try and force the foundations of atheism upon yourselves, so why can you not satisfy yourselves with your own beliefs and be content in that (dead end)

    bull, x.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullhead View Post
    Refer to my previous point again; why is it that you still feel you need to defend your religion? If you are confident in its legitimacy, then stop speaking of it. I have heard the stories over and over, and im content with my rejection of these stories of how one should live, please can you be quiet and be content with your own beliefs.
    We don't try and force the foundations of atheism upon yourselves, so why can you not satisfy yourselves with your own beliefs and be content in that (dead end)

    bull, x.
    you are clearly not reading my posts. i am simply stating the facts.

    if i am confident in my beliefs then dont speak of it!?!?! are you insane?? the whole point of christianity is to speak of it!!!

    you just dont get it do you? if i were to believe in jesus's teachings and then just shut up about it do you realize what kind of person id be? id be someone who WANTS others to go to hell!!!

    i didnt start this thread to defend anything its just here to teach!!! i am not forcing anything as you keep saying i am!!!


    EDIT: Ex-- it is widely excepted that jesus was indeed alive and was crucified as daniel predicted he would be(even crucifixion wasnt invented for another 200 years..)so it comes down to if he truly rose after 3 days.

    if anyone can find me a WELL RESPECTED scholar who thinks jesus was fictional tell me lol.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    EDIT: by the way i never quoted matt mark or luke when i was talking about the trial.... so guy who said i was wrong when i did.. um i didnt..
    Check your very first post. There, you indeed quote the books of Matt, Mark and Luke when they were detailing the trial of Jesus.

    You keep mentioning the number of years that it takes for a fact to be warped into legend. You gave the number as roughly 140 years. I'd like to remind you that the New Testament, particularly the gospels, was not casually formed by the slow warping of a story. The gospels were abundant in the years after Jesus' death. People who had been following Jesus and hearing his sermons began trying to pass his teachings on to other people. However, the spread was uncontrolled, and hundreds of mis-interpretations arose. These false understandings often conflicted with each other. Hundreds of people had heard him speak, and many tried to put their interpretations into writing. This includes Christ's disciples who also disagreed over Christ's teachings.

    The personal problem I have with Christianity is that even today, there are people who barely understand it but feel like they have to tell everyone else about it. There is no system by which the church decides if a member is qualified to tell others about Christ. Thus, here in America especially, we have many denominations of Christianity, some of which actively denounce each other as a "trickery of the devil, pathway to hell, etc.). Ideas spread like plagues without anyone stepping in to clarify peoples' misunderstandings. I have my qualms with Catholics, but at least they have that right - the Pope's word on a conflicted issue is final.

    Since this is a video game forum after all, I will part with this thought: Jack Thompson claims to be a Christian, yet most Christians on this forum denounce him. Undoubtedly, he has also approached people and tried to convert them to Christ. Some of those people might have considered themselves Christians before meeting him, but they were not Christians in his eyes. This happens too frequently withing Christianity, so it is not a stretch. However, consider this: If Jack Thompson has converted others to Christianity, what messed-up beliefs are running unchecked in their minds now?

    Thus ends my counter-sermon for tonight. Go now, my children, and be wary, for there is nothing in life that is not tainted by fallacy. Walk your paths with a deliberate foot, and view your surroundings with a discerning eye.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Old Pro bullhead's Avatar
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    Im sorry for my previous drunken input. Im going to wash my nails.

    bull, x.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Regular mcvader's Avatar
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    I thought you were going to show us "The Proof for Christ's Claims", instead all we get is a few Bible quote's and nonsence about how long it takes to create a legend.

    Jesus was an Alien - FACT, lol.

  10. #20
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    EDIT: Ex-- it is widely excepted that jesus was indeed alive and was crucified as daniel predicted he would be(even crucifixion wasnt invented for another 200 years..)so it comes down to if he truly rose after 3 days.
    I believe that he walked the earth. But WHAT was he? That's my main question.

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