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Thread: The Proof for Christ's Claims

  1. #21
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    Why believe in the bible and not the Torah or Quran? Why believe in the Judeo-Christian God and not Greek gods such as Zeus?

    It's all because of the way you were raised.

  2. #22
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    ok i will say it once more because two or you arent readin it i guess. if you are here to politely ask questions and LEARN then do so. if your are here to tell me i only believe because its how i was raised or because jesus was an alien i would like for you to just simply keep these thoughts to yourself.

    i apologize for saying i didnt quote matt mark etc in reference to his trial.. it was late and i was tired lol.

    you say that the gospels were abundant right after his death but word-of-mouth destroyed their meaning. does that mean that those gospels are gone to us as well? no. they bloody found them in caves remember lol. just because 2000 years ago people may have gotten carried away doesnt mean im going to do the same..

    as for unqualified people leading churches i agree its not right. the good part is you dont have to be a part of that church. for the last several years me and a few others have been desperately searching for a church thats real and truly christian. we have not it found it because the truth is the TRUE christian church is barely hanging on..

    everyday you hear more about "christian" groups doing something hypocritical. it is to the point where everyone hates "christians" and by proxy me as well. i ask that you take into consideration that perhaps these individuals you see on tv arent christians..

    the beliefs you here "we" have on tv is just as distorted as the personal perception of us. the concept of "just love each other and you in" or "whats right for may not be right for me but we're both right" goes totally against TRUE christianity. there is ONE truth ONE way and thats it. well at least thats what i believe.

    i leave you with this. dont tell me how stupid christianity is based on your perception of it. find out the TRUE essence of christianity.

    iniquitous_beast, you seem to know quite a bit but check your 3rd paragraph of your last post. there IS a system for determining who can lead a church its just not followed by the mainstream "christians"

    however when you say that the many denominations bickering back and forth with no mediator you are correct. this time i mean it..

    i will leave you with this: there is ONE true denomination of christianity. it IS NOT mainstream and most havent heard its name... in fact i might not have either.. but its out there and my goal is to find it. the church cannot be destroyed but it CAN be hidden by thousands of pseudo christian churches.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Regular
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    I finally see our main point of contention. You believe that the Truth exists, and that it can be found. I believe that it is forever lost and choose to live contentedly without it.

    You have strong beliefs. I do not. Thus, I can't really continue pressing my point. Still, it has been fun discussing this with you. You meant this thread to be for those who wanted to hear about Christ, so I won't interfere any further. See ya around!

  4. #24
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    no its good when people try to debate with me in an adult manner as you have. i think that throughout both of us made our points clear and neither of us came out sounding stupid. if anything calm debates like this do nothing but give credibility to both sides.

    the truth and the real christian church is out there. the gates of hell can not prevail against it and i will continue in my search the real believers and what we were meant to do and believe, not what we are taught to do now.

    the true church is not a building, it consists of the REAL believers out there who's only true desire is to find the truth. there's not many of use left but i can attest to you that we're not gone.

  5. #25
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by theICE_MAN View Post
    the only translation errors were things like accent marks being left out and things like that.
    It sounds like YOU are the one who needs to do the research. Many words were horribly messed up when translated to modern languages. Things like "Red Sea" are actually correctly translated to "Reed Sea" meaning a completely different location than what most Bibles say today. How is this significant? Using geographic knowledge and science, it is known that a volcano erupted near the "actual" sea which most likely caused every single "plague" and the eventual parting of the sea (a tidal wave). There are many many errors similar to this one.

    I'm an Atheist. I don't believe in God. Why do you generalize all Atheists in a way that makes us look like rambling bafoons. Watch a Richard Dawson video and truly see who doesn't do their research.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    what i meant was for the most part it was simple errors. as i said before its very difficult to translate jesus was nice to jesus rose from the dead and was literally god.

    i already know about a volcano causing the the 10 plagues. thanks for bringing it up . so you think that the jews were trying to get out of egypt and a volcano erupted by coincidence.. even though moses told them what would happen next in order? eh whatever floats your boat.

    even though it was simply a geographic event its still a miracle. it was timed perfectly to free the jews.. i mean come on is that not cool?

    just because i say god exists that doesnt mean i dont think science is real too.

    god made the scientific laws that rule our world. its that simple. he doesnt do things through random flashy events. its all done in logical ways that dont break the laws he put in place.

    EDIT: by the way im not writing off the errors. i know that they're there but i also know that they dont seem to destroy the basic points of the bible. my brother-in-law is in the process of learning hebrew so he can get around those errors.

    NEXT j/k

    EDIT x2: ok so when did i generalize all atheists as "babbling bafoons"? i dont think i did. because i didnt.

    why is it that your trying to make me look stupid? do you have some sort of unfounded dislike for me? i have said nothing but the facts and yet time and time again i am attacked. i just dont understand why.

    if your going to try and make me look stupid at least say something original. you know, something i havent already heard.

  7. #27
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Um, Big Lou, isn't it "Richard Dawkins"? I'm Atheist too.

    IceMan, you did kind of class all athiests as not knowing about Christianity, yet most do.

    Also, who doesn't want to know "the truth"?

  8. #28
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    i want to make something clearer here. when i said that most atheists had a very basic knowledge of christianity that was a statement that was very true to my previous experiences. if you are and atheist who knows a lot on the topic i dont mean to offend you.

    i apologize to anyone who took that the wrong way.

  9. #29
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Hey, it's alright, man (I think you're talking to me too).

    But, I don't get why you're trying to save everybody from Hell. Why do you care? It's impossible.

    Why don't you just create a group of "true christian" people that you know. It might get big some day.

  10. #30
    DCEmu Legend ICE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Hey, it's alright, man (I think you're talking to me too).

    But, I don't get why you're trying to save everybody from Hell. Why do you care? It's impossible .
    lol where to begin.. knowledge is a very dangerous thing. with it there is responsibility. if what i know to be true is indeed true then to simply keep my mouth shut is ignoring the duty that comes with knowledge.

    i realize i cannot help everyone find the truth but if i help one single person find their way i have not failed. an impossible task? maybe. but that will not stop me from carrying out my duty.

    he suffered an unimaginable torture for me and also you. is it too much to ask that i simply tell people?

    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Why don't you just create a group of "true christian" people that you know. It might get big some day.
    hmm yes that would be very nice for the six of us..

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