via Kotaku

With all the cold shoulders the PLAYSTATION 3 has been getting in PAL regions, we have been looking for good news. Sadly, we haven't found any. But, Kotakuite Petr from the Czech Republic sends this:

"It was for the first time that something like this has happened here. Never before were there official console launches in CR. Anyway, the whole event was held in a specialized Sony Store named Elvia-Pro in the centre of Prague. It was advertised in print and online media for a good half of March. In spite of this, my expectations regarding number of people willing to stand in line for several hours for PS3 weren't overly high. So, I was surprised to find out, that thirty minutes before midnight, the line was 15 - 20 meters long. According to Sony Czech, there were at least 130 people waiting for PS3 including some minor celebrities. After several hours, PS3 was sold out (there were only about 1000 PS3 for CR launch), which is true for all the Czech Republic. In the end, PS3 launch in CR was by my opinion fairly successful. "

Whew! And we were getting worried.