via Kotaku

Phil Harrison made an appearance at the official UK launch of the PS3 last night, and used the opportunity to stress the overall importance of the European continent.

"This is the third continent out of three, but it is the most important," he told "It's got most countries, it's the most people, it's the most cultures...

"The fact that we've got the launch here with more consoles shipped on day one that we've ever had in our history is a compliment to the importance of the European market."

Basically the game company exec version of a rock band shouting, "European audiences are the best audiences in the world! Woo!" The woo is important. So when did they repeal Australia's continency?

Still, I can see where he's coming from. Europe has given us French toast, Belgian Waffles, Swedish pancakes, English muffins, Polish sausage, and Danish pastries. Seeing as breakfast is the most important meal of the day, logic dictates that Europe be the most important continent.

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