via joystiq

In addition to having an awkward appearance, Thrustmaster's Run'N' Drive gamepad may run (and/or drive) away with the dubious distinction of most awkward name and capitalization schema for a gaming product. Our fingers pause, apprehensively, every time we write a brand name, fearful of mangling some marketing team's carefully focus-grouped formatting. Occasionally, we remain obstinate and refuse to conform (we're looking at you PLAYSTATION 3 and SIXAXIS), but we're at a loss with the Run'N' Drive. So, instead of complaining about the name, we'll talk about the controller.

As luck would have it, the Run'N' Drive (RND from here on out) claims to be "7-axis" making it exactly one more axis than Sony's gamepad ... too bad SEVENAXIS isn't palindromic ... that would be sixaneves. We're not sure where that extra axis comes into play; you see, the RND "does not offer a motion sensor" on the PlayStation 3. What it does offer is compatibility with the PS3, PS2, and PC platforms (note: the RND "only supports PS3 games" on the PS3) as well as an optical wheel for "spot on precision."