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Thread: arcade stick friendly?

  1. #1

    Default arcade stick friendly?

    Would it be possible to have neo4all have the option to config buttons?

    It would be nice to be able to use an arcade stick, and have all the buttons in the right place. For arcade perfect neogeo play, buttons would be set up like this....

    A = A
    X = B
    Y = C
    Z = D

    If this can be set up, it would be totally arcade in it's complete (emulated) form, and no one will ever have to relearn the game when going from arcade to emulation.

    thank you very much,


  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie boule's Avatar
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    that's a great idea!

    maybe that could allow the use of the neogeo stick released for ps2 with a ps2/dc adapter (i tried it but when you reconfigure the buttons in game, it starts to bug^^)

  3. #3


    ya for sure. A button config would be sexellent.

    and while I'm being picky... another great addition would be the tv scan lines option like in dreamsnes where every second line is a black line. It's a great feature if you use a vga screen on dc since it gives everything a more arcade look instead of the stretched look of normal vga.

    But I digress. the emu is already pretty much perfect, and I'm talking about it as if it were a retail product that must meet my anal standards

    why the hell did it take me so long to reply...?



  4. #4
    Dream Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingbuzzo
    and while I'm being picky... another great addition would be the tv scan lines option like in dreamsnes where every second line is a black line. It's a great feature if you use a vga screen on dc since it gives everything a more arcade look instead of the stretched look of normal vga.
    That's a good idea, if I remember it, i'll put it in a future version of NeoDC.

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