via joystiq

Given the way the Wii is selling, Nintendo can let their gaming drought go on for a good while. Their marketing scheme to diversify the gaming demographic is getting them good press. And from the looks of it, all old people need is Wii Sports to be happy before Death comes aknockin' on their door.

Reuters helps Nintendo along by covering another old folks home where the elderly are just thrilled to death over the Wii Sports. Studies have shown that the elderly aren't into the newfangled complicated games so they're quite content with some chair tennis or bowling. As Flora Dierbach, 72, puts it, "It's a very social thing and it's good exercise ... and you don't have to throw a 16-pound bowling ball to get results."

Like a raptor in the tall grass, Nintendo is patient and knows the prey is easy. They just wait and coast on the good press and strong sales of the Wii. Old people will continue to enjoy their Wii Sports and may end up purchasing a few other titles, giving just a little bit of extra money to Nintendo. Of course, the real coup d'etat is when Grandma buys the grandkids a Wii because they've played it and don't see anything "wrong" with it.