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Thread: The Future of PlayStation Portable

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp The Future of PlayStation Portable

    Great news article from IGN

    On March 24, 2005, Sony Computer Entertainment released the PlayStation Portable in North America.

    At the time, there was nothing but tremendous hope and hype for the system. This was Sony, entering the handheld videogaming market. The first time this company entered a gaming market, Sony not only took over, it completely transformed it -- what was once considered a "kids' toy" (one that dad would occasionally sneak playtime on) was now the centerpiece of the entertainment area for every family member in every household across the globe. Videogames had evolved, and Sony was there just in time to embody the new generation of videogames, to be the embracing host for this emerging and expanding artform.

    And now, Sony was going to take that same DNA and form something that gamers and entertainment seekers could take anywhere they go. All this, many thought, might happen all over again...

    Two Years Later...

    A lot can be said about what has gone right and what has gone wrong for PlayStation Portable since that launch, but one thing has been proven for certain: it's hard as anything to make it in the portable videogaming business. Nintendo is the only manufacturer to have survived it for the long haul, and even with its mighty franchises and its dominating control over this market, Nintendo has still not traversed the landmines perfectly -- major genres such as Sports, Shooters, Fighting and Racing have had difficulty finding interest in the handheld gaming audience even with the success of Game Boy and now DS, and to date, only one title has managed to ship on Nintendo DS with an ESRB M rating. If any company other than Nintendo were to have a chance at creating a fanbase and consumer audience in the handheld videogaming biz, it would be Sony. It had the clout, it has the developers and publishers, it had the franchises, it had the gamers, and it had the PlayStation vision of what videogamers want and what can be done with an entertainment device.

    And, of course, it still has all of that. Although the PlayStation Portable has not quite changed the handheld videogaming market in the way that the two PlayStation consoles have (or, as SCE's current President Kazuo Hirai once put it, "...elevate portable entertainment out of the handheld gaming ghetto"), its successes are far too often ignored. This is the first major gaming system to have online-enabled games available at launch, and in a portable form no less. This is the system that brought full console-quality productions like Grand Theft Auto and Metal Gear Solid to a portable machine while even the enormous user base of the Nintendo DS system still has not convinced most publishers to spend the extra pennies on production value. (That said, DS may be missing a few voice-overs and some more expansive game concepts, but it has wooed away from consoles the epic Dragon Quest IX -- the shock that gamers expressed at that news showed that millions still didn't know that handheld gaming is no longer just Pokemon and Tetris.) This is the system that brought everything that is PlayStation into a market that previously only had one option for gamers looking to take the good times on the go.

    But what about the competition, and what about the fact that Nintendo DS is clearly the best-selling portable on the market? Hell, the Nintendo Ds is the best-selling game system of this new generation, period -- nothing stands up to it as competition. But just because Nintendo is winning, does that mean that Sony has lost? If there is room for three console game systems, certainly there's room for two portable game systems (especially two with such different approaches and gaming audiences.) Sales have tipped in Nintendo's favor, but those numbers aside, PlayStation Portable has continued to moves units in its second year at around the same rate as all three hyped-up next-gen console systems. (In fact, market analyst David Cole told that DS and PSP could end up with a bigger install base together than the three next-gen consoles combined.) Sony said before the battle began (back when many expected the DS vs. PSP battle to go the other way) that this wasn't a fight over pieces of a single pie but instead a challenge for each system to earn its own. The figures and bets have changed, but the company line is the same: the future of the PlayStation Portable has little to do with competition and everything to do with what this PlayStation handheld system is able to accomplish as a gaming and entertainment unit.

    PSP: Year Three

    So, what is the future of PlayStation Portable? On the anniversary of the system's launch, IGN has talked to a number of the top minds and most experienced creators working with PlayStation Portable to ask that question. Sony calls the future of gaming the "Game 3.0" era, and when you read through what they've said, you will know how PlayStation Portable fits into that future.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Legend DarthPaul's Avatar
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    =D I think I understand that last sentence...

  3. #3


    I hope Sony releases a PS2 Emu for the PSP...

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by delirumhappy View Post
    I hope Sony releases a PS2 Emu for the PSP...
    not possible

  5. #5
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    not possible
    actually it could be possible since the PSP is somewhat of a ps2

    its just their gonna have to compress the games ALOT.

    and we have to get bigger memory sticks

  6. #6

  7. #7
    DCEmu Legend Buddy4point0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    not possible
    its not possible but its close. the psp hardware is almost as good as ps2. some games graphix are even nearly identical. ie- wwe, ratchet and clank, and alot of new ones.

  8. #8
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddy4point0 View Post
    its not possible but its close. the psp hardware is almost as good as ps2. some games graphix are even nearly identical. ie- wwe, ratchet and clank, and alot of new ones.
    yup just what i mean except also for the fact that they have to compress so it could be enough for the psp to handle.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Regular Nicko01's Avatar
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    yeah, it would be nice to have a ps2 emu, but i dont think it's going to happen. They could take PS2 games and modify them to work on the psp, adding on the same levels and things, just more compressed, and fit it onto a umd. That wouldn't really be emulation though, just coversion. I think the PSP is capable of doing more than what we are currently doing now. We just havent thought of what to do with it yet. If there were USB UMD burners and external (And externally powered) pocket USB HDD's for the PSP, we could add even more to the PSP.
    With one of these:
    and a 10gb mini usb hdd for psp, we could do a lot more. too bad the current hdd's for psp suck.

    Things sony could do to make the psp better:
    1. official keyboard
    2. UMD burners
    3. official external HDD
    4. Update flash player + add java
    5. Add a chatroom/IM icon on the XMB
    6. Convert PS2 games to UMD's
    7. Lower the price a little bit. ($175?)
    8. RSS video streaming
    9. An MMORPG

    I dont care if they allow homebrew, even if they did, i wouldn't update.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Basil Zero View Post
    actually it could be possible since the PSP is somewhat of a ps2

    its just their gonna have to compress the games ALOT.

    and we have to get bigger memory sticks
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowblind View Post
    They'll hopefully make a portable game system with enough power to run a PS2. And it is possible, not yet on the PSP we have now but when a new and better PSP is made...
    Sony never announced it, so enjoy your dreams

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