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Thread: Dear microsoft... a letter to MS about backwards compatibility.

  1. #11
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    This part gave me a good laugh. Just because something looks similar does not mean they work the same way. A 360 motherboard looks just like my PC motherboard. That doesn't mean I can pop a 360 game into my PC's dvd drive and expect it to work.

    The CPU in the Xbox 360 is way different then the original Xbox CPU. The original Xbox uses a x86 (same as a PC) CPU, so to be able to get Xbox 1 games to run on a 360 the 360 has to pretend that it is an original xbox. This requires large amounts of code and will only work at playable speeds for certain games. M$ has already spent millions of dollars on getting your old games to work on you new hardware. So its not like they are making money when certain games don't work.
    yeah? You find it funny that a company intentionally manufactured a console to specifically be non-compatible with its original console via hardware AND software?
    only to later realize people were practically boycotting the console because it wouldn't play the "fratboy" of all FPS - Halo and Halo2.

    I don't find it funny at all.
    the bottom line is whether its a celeron based or ppc custom cpu, it's controlled by a baseline os.
    kind of the same reason that all through the years the gameboy line has offered backwards compatibility.

    this isn't a discussion about hardware errata. this is a discussion about getting companies to respect it's consumers. it's a discussion about getting consumers to demand the honest approach from a company.
    it's about getting people to stop making "game consoles" under the guise than they are somehow "not or "different" than a computer.

    So please don't come here and whine about it to us.
    Why don't you do us all a favor and not reply to the posts that you feel are not useful to you.
    No one is whining.
    I'm demanding a higher level of service from a company who made their billions by extorting people like me into believing that buying their system and titles, that it would be supported in future builds, and not abandoned in the name of money and greed.
    so... shut the hell up.

    I like the 360 and I feel like it has the right stuff.
    but to quote a rather smart man here, from his story on the 7 things that suck about a certain console:

    6. $#@!ty philosophy (of MS)
    Blackley thought he had the formula for a great system because all the components were there for a great system (and they are): a powerful graphics chip, a beefy hard drive, a fast processor and DVD capabilities. What he failed to realize was that just because you have all the raw material to make a great system doesn't mean it's going to be great. Saying the Xbox is a good system because it's powerful is like saying you made a great painting because you used the best set of paints.
    check his website here:

    the irony is Maddox wrote this in 2003. And yet it sounds EXACTLY like you assholes lining up to suck the microsoft $#@! to get the 360 $#@!shot in your mouth on camera.

    kudos to you dipshits who run out and buy the latest crap gadget, (no matter how much it sucks) over supporting everyone else's hard work, investment and commitment into trying to reform MicroSoft for their previous $#@! console: the xbox.

    never mind that xbox 360 is basically a total ripoff of everything that this indy scene has developed and championed, and thusly abandoned; by supporting the 360.

    I am glad that M$ decided to use software emulation instead of hardware emulation for backwards compatibility. The 360 is expensive as it is, now throw in an extra CPU and GPU. That would probably raise the price another $50. Plus most of the good games work anyways and if you want to play a game that isn't on the list play it on your Xbox 1.
    They wouldn't have to use emulation or put in other chipsets if they would have used the existing system development knowledge of the computer world. i.e. a natural progression in system development built on the idea of supporting and NOT tossing all old software development.
    and it more than likely wouldn't ahve been expensive to include a small PCB.
    Even though you are basing your example off the PS3, which is irrelevant in most ways, the price of a PS3 is the EXACT same as a xbox 360 when you add the HD DVD player.
    so once again, shut up.

    my point is in the fact that the xbox is the first iteration of a gaming console from a major computer industry participant. A participant who knows all too well the needs to create a system to carry over the users of the current hardware to the newer hardware.
    that those users have made it possible for new hardware to be developed, and that the transition should go smoothly for the people who so selflessly supported microsoft's efforts in the form of billions of dollars.

    instead what we are getting is a system intentionally created with a custom core element and software engineered to create a RIFT between the 2 systems.

    in other words: if halo2 can ****ing run on this thing, why the **** can't they get street fighter working.
    FOR ****S SAKE.

    this isn't about whether it is celeron or ppc.
    whether it is sony or microsoft or nintendo.

    this is about why companies need to be held accountable for their shortcomings, monopolies, fraud, disservice, and manipulation.

    this is about MORALS and ETHICS.
    grow up people.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    Look you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. The Xbox 360 uses a completely different cpu than the xbox. That is why emulation is needed to get xbox 1 games to work. If M$ could get every xbox 1 game to work on the 360 they would. I don't see how letting some games work and some not would save them any money. Its not like they can just flip a switch and the game will work.

    Even people at xbox-scene say you don't what you are talking about. Thats why your thread saying the exact same thing got locked yesterday.

    If you hate Xbox and M$ so much why did you buy an Xbox 360. You know what would make you feel better, take your 360 outside and smash it with a hammer.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by BrooksyX View Post
    I don't see how letting some games work and some not would save them any money.
    99% backward compatibility will help A LOT. Just see the PlayStation 2.

  4. #14
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    99% backward compatibility will help A LOT. Just see the PlayStation 2.
    Exactly, if all xbox 1 games worked on Xbox 360 there would probably a lot more xbox 360 sales.

  5. #15
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    when microsoft made the 360 they announced it would not support xbox 1 games.
    it wasn't a "save money" move.

    it was a "please god, hail mary, keep these hackers out of our anus and while were at it everyone will have to buy all this new $#@!" move.

    like I said this is about MORALS & ETHICS.
    I own a 360 b/c I feel it has potential... the same reason I bought an xbox.

    I try and purchase things as a way of supporting them, but also to give validity to my speaking on what I feel a devices shortcomings are.
    kind of like how a person who owns stock in a company has a say as a shareholder.

    the people over at xbox-scene aren't interested in morals and ethics in their forums, as most of their forums are run by mini-mod post hijackers that operate on the buddy system. they also didn't read all of my post.
    they target out snippets of my post and focus on the technical errata that is irrelevant.

    I'm not disputing the difference in CPU of the xbox and xbox 360.
    I have blatantly acknowledged it.
    I'm fully aware of all technical hardware assemblies of both machines.

    the problem is you and your fellow xbox 360 fanboys who take this as some sort of personal attack on you as 360 owners.

    face it.
    microsoft wanted to make it different for one reason and one reason only. to keep the hackers out and to force people to buy all new 360 compatible games, peripherals, and even go so far as to tought it only being compatible with a pc running media center.
    it isn't different for performance.
    if it was it'd be an intel core solo/duo.

    I'm pushing my issues to reach a 100% compatability list.
    I can't believe you guys are so thickheaded.

    can you read?
    can you read and understand my post?

    are you confused?

    do you have anything to contribute other than "so and so says you're dumb"?
    or are you just so bought into the marketing and promotions you cant admit the dirt that microsoft does to people?

    did you read this part of my previous post??
    did you?
    read all of it?
    not just the words "xbox" "360" or "microsoft" or "sucks".

    please try it... read all of it:
    They wouldn't have to use emulation or put in other chipsets if they would have used the existing system development knowledge of the computer world. i.e. a natural progression in system development built on the idea of supporting and NOT tossing all old software development.
    and it more than likely wouldn't ahve been expensive to include a small PCB.
    Even though you are basing your example off the PS3, which is irrelevant in most ways, the price of a PS3 is the EXACT same as a xbox 360 when you add the HD DVD player.
    so once again, shut up.

    my point is in the fact that the xbox is the first iteration of a gaming console from a major computer industry participant. A participant who knows all too well the needs to create a system to carry over the users of the current hardware to the newer hardware.
    that those users have made it possible for new hardware to be developed, and that the transition should go smoothly for the people who so selflessly supported microsoft's efforts in the form of billions of dollars.

    instead what we are getting is a system intentionally created with a custom core element and software engineered to create a RIFT between the 2 systems.
    once again... fully acknowledging the hardware differences. but at the same time, questioning the reasons for the differences.

    bottom line:
    microsoft is rampantly trying to get xbox1 emulation ironed out so they can quell the cries of thousands of game owners who feel cheated for buying a 360.
    Emulation they wouldnt have to do if they had not of set out on a greedy path to force everyone to toss their old system and games and rebuy everything under the sun.

    oh, and by the way: knuckles is a ***got second rate sonic.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    Yes I can read, I even read your post twice to make sure I understood it because a lot of it is untrue or doesn't make any since. If it would have been relatively cheap to include the necessary components to allow 99.9% backwards computability M$ would have done it. It is not as simple as adding a little piece of PCB, there would actually need to be the Xbox 1 CPU and GPU in the 360 (This is how the ps2 can play ps1 games). This would cause many problems though by increasing production costs and heat production by the console. The 360 has a poor heating design as it is and would probably result in more 360 failures.

    Anyways, it is too late to add this hardware to insure 99.9% hardware backwards computability. M$ from the start stated that they would support xbox 1 b.c. through software only on the 360. Halo, Halo 2 and many other titles worked on the 360 at launch. They have continued to add titles that are in high demand since then. Unfortunately your games that you want to play aren't very popular games. I also have games that I would like to play on the 360 but don't work, so I know your anger. Ultimately it is unrealistic to think that all your old games will all work on your new hardware, I am great full the M$ has given us b.c. on many titles free of charge.

    M$ is not trying to be greedy in any way by not supporting some games. It would help them financially if all games worked on the 360.

    Quote Originally Posted by diceone View Post
    ... oh, and by the way: knuckles is a ***got second rate sonic.
    That was real mature.

  7. #17
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    Quit the flame fest.

    Emulation will never be perfect for the 360's xbox emulator. The time, money, and effort are not worth it to them. You have already bought the games and they have already made the money... As stated above, Halo 2 is really the only reason it was a huge deal to them It was still sort of short in its life and VERY popular when the 360 crowned its head.

    The emulator cant be perfect because of the complexity of the xbox games, each one is vastly different in their workings much like PC games (exactly like PC games). That means the way the emulation would have to be done for each one would also vary. It would take a lot of time and effort to get everything working and it would not pay off. No money would be made, It would only be spent in production cost - getting developers to work their asses off making the emulator work with every individual game. That would seem like a waste of time, money, and effort to them. If you dont like it, make the emulator yourself. It isnt their responsibility to make sure that all of your last gen games work on a brand new console with totally different hardware. That's a silly thing to demand.

  8. #18


    i didnt know xbox games were played on the 360 using a emulator.....

    just shows you if we ever get homebrew on the 360 that a dreamcast, saturn, ps2 etc emu wouldnt be too hard to achive full speed perhaps.

    after all it does have 3 yes 3 - 3.4(or 3.2?), ghz cores

  9. #19
    DCEmu Rookie briyan's Avatar
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    That was quite uncalled for.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    I'm starting to hand out the infractions for the flamers. If you cant argue or share a point in a polite way... well get the **** out of dcemu. We dont want your immature ass.

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