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Thread: Dear microsoft... a letter to MS about backwards compatibility.

  1. #21
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    Yes I can read, I even read your post twice to make sure I understood it because a lot of it is untrue or doesn't make any since.
    please show me what is "untrue", and please give references.

    I'm sure I can help you get there in your understanding. I offer up hypothesis and logic based on the proving methods of the PC industry. I only can get so much info from MS.

    I can't really help you, if you don't show where I am wrong or point out what "doesn't make sense".

    If it would have been relatively cheap to include the necessary components to allow 99.9% backwards computability M$ would have done it.
    please give feedback from MS, or links or references.
    or some sort of proof...
    Have you reviewed the number of lawsuits won by consumers/businesses against microsoft for their intentional negligent practices?

    It is not as simple as adding a little piece of PCB, there would actually need to be the Xbox 1 CPU and GPU in the 360 (This is how the ps2 can play ps1 games).
    the ps2 has one and only one small ass chip on it's board form the ps1. the IO chip.
    there is no need to include other chips. you simply run info needed through that one chip on the board, and the rest of it is routed to the newer and more powerful ps2/ps3 system.

    this is what MS should have done.
    this is why Sony is more popular.
    Sony even released it's own linux kit with hard drive, keyboard and mouse.

    currently the ps3 incorporates ps2 with ps1 io chipset, and also the wii incorporates a gamecube chipset.
    wii : 100% backwards compatible.
    ps3 : 99% backwards compatible.
    i.e. these companies value the money spent by the customers on previous titles.

    PS3 is slated to abandon ps2 chips on-board in favor of emulation.
    however, the emulation supports ps2 & ps1 games.

    This would cause many problems though by increasing production costs and heat production by the console. The 360 has a poor heating design as it is and would probably result in more 360 failures.
    ok, so you are admitting the console already has massive shortcomings, safety hazards, and fails to deliver the performance as stated at purchase... and probably needs a big ass class action lawsuit.

    also: proof?
    I just got done showing how the ps2 and ps3 have chips and it certainly didn't cause their consoles to nuke themselves or sky rocket the price. you also stated this as well.
    Once again the reason is because Sony had the good sense to respect it's core fan base by ensuring previous titles play over.

    Anyways, it is too late to add this hardware to insure 99.9% hardware backwards computability. M$ from the start stated that they would support xbox 1 b.c. through software only on the 360. Halo, Halo 2 and many other titles worked on the 360 at launch. They have continued to add titles that are in high demand since then.
    it's never too late to do anything.
    where do people get this attitude?
    change things man.
    stand up for change and make things right.

    it isn't ever too late to fix a problem.

    I think the 360 could be even better. can we work towards that? they are already supposedly releasing a unit with a much larger HD.
    change is very possible.

    one other thing: street fighter anniversary features 2 games: 3rd strike and hyper fighting.
    currently you can purchase hyper fighting for the 360 on your live arcade. are you so sure the reasons for these incompatibilities isn't money??
    because to play that game on my 360... all I need to do is buy it AGAIN.

    Unfortunately your games that you want to play aren't very popular games.
    tell that to the 20,000+ online players per week of capcom vs snk 2
    and the 50,000+ weekly players of street fighter anniversary.

    since when was doing things right about popularity??
    haven't we all learned in middle school that popular kids aren't always smart, nice, honest or right?

    "hey everyone... the popluar thing to do is eat dog $#@!!"
    "cool! let's all do it too!"

    ...also, they ported over XIII. that game is about as dead as it gets. have you seen the backwards compatibility list? the majority of those games on that list are total crap.

    I also have games that I would like to play on the 360 but don't work, so I know your anger. Ultimately it is unrealistic to think that all your old games will all work on your new hardware, I am greatfull the M$ has given us b.c. on many titles free of charge.
    ok. I don't feel it's unrealistic. please see my earlier posts about natural development of computing hardware intent on supporting previous software in other industries that Microsoft is in. i.e. personal computing.

    you may also wish to review a lawsuit against Microsoft for creating software for Mac os X that was integrated into high levels of business networks, but abandoned by MS, causing them to have to answer for their irresponsible nature.
    program name : Microsoft office for os x.

    ...however, gaming is not held to these same standards due to the end users apathy and acceptance of these gaming companies tactics.

    M$ is not trying to be greedy in any way by not supporting some games. It would help them financially if all games worked on the 360.
    I'm not saying that they are making my games on my list non-playable on the 360 for profit.
    that is retarded. that isn't what this is about.
    once again, you obviously don't understand my post, or that is about ethics and company responsibility to its consumer.
    (except that hyper fighting thing is kind of looking suspect)

    Also, based on your opinion, you are saying that MS had no intentions of us buying all new controllers, headsets, memory cards, driving wheels, wireless adapters, games and accessories at all.
    I'm sure that was purely a technology issue.
    you are probably 100% right in thinking microsoft isn't motivated by greed and that they couldn't get a usb device or a game from the xbox to be usable in the dvd tray or usb port of the next console, the 360.
    you are right, it's beyond microsoft's planning and technology.
    they are incapable of such an amazing feat.

    the 360 is just so advanced, even it's creator was incapable of anticipating its mighty power!
    And MS was forced to remake everything from the ground up, as the 360 was the alien spawn from another planet that even microsoft is unable to control, plan for, or manage in anyway!
    the 360 is so powerful!

    have you ever considered that through marketing and advertising you have been pre-programmed to believe that things aren't supposed to be compatible? that you will just accept it, pay them AGAIN, and move on with the rest of sheep in the herd????

    Originally Posted by diceone View Post
    ... oh, and by the way: knuckles is a ***got second rate sonic.
    That was real mature.
    I only did that in reply to your personal stab at the xbox-scene forum.

    it isn't too nice when I treat you, like you treated me, is it?

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by diceone View Post
    I just got done showing how the ps2 and ps3 have chips and it certainly didn't cause their consoles to nuke themselves or sky rocket the price.
    you dont call paying 650euro for a ps3 skyrocketing? while the 360 is 300euro...

  3. #23
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    I'm not here to argue PS vs xbox.
    and you are also comparing the price of a 360 without Hard drive.

    but once again. read ALL of the posts in this thread.
    and you will learn some amazing things:
    1. an xbox 360 does not come with a hd-dvd player
    2. an xbox 360 does not come with wifi
    3. an xbox 360 does not come with bluetooth
    4. it also doesn't support memory sticks, compact flash, or SD: standard/mini x 1

    the PS3 does.
    not to mention it is a blu-ray player straight out of the box.

    adding just HD-dvd playback to the 360, makes the 360 equally priced with the PS3.

    in the US the PS3 is $599 including 60gb hard drive + all that other stuff it does.
    in the US the xbox 360 is $399 without HD-DVD player, wifi, or any external storage support, including a 20gb hard drive.
    the Hd-DVD player for a 360 is $199.00
    making the 360 $598.00
    add a $100 wifi adapter and your so called "less expensive but equal system" is now more expensive than a standard PS3 by $100 US.

  4. #24


    Whatever diceone, the sales don't say the same.

  5. #25
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    are you guys retarded?
    I'm not interested in whether you do or dont like the PS3.

    also as a dreamcast user you should know : popular doesn't = better.
    once again - read my previous posts! DER!

    it is already obvious that people aren't interested in quality products as much as they are interested in what is advertised best and is released first.

    I'm not interested in saying a PS3 is or isn't better than a 360 or that they all suck comapred to Wii.

    I'm buying a Wii this sunday.
    I own a 360, and plan on getting a PS3 next week.

    I would like to see those consoles in my living room.
    along with my dreamcast and sega master system, it starts taking up a lot of space.
    now add my xbox into the equation to play a handful of games....

    hence the "it'd be nice if microsoft would get it together with the backwards compatibility"

    can people please stop coming here with their pointless 360 fanboy mentaility?

    go pray to your MS altar in your own thread about how awesome the 360 is.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by diceone View Post
    are you guys retarded?
    I'm not interested in whether you do or dont like the PS3.

    also as a dreamcast user you should know : popular doesn't = better.
    once again - read my previous posts! DER!

    it is already obvious that people aren't interested in quality products as much as they are interested in what is advertised best and is released first.

    I'm not interested in saying a PS3 is or isn't better than a 360 or that they all suck comapred to Wii.

    I'm buying a Wii this sunday.
    I own a 360, and plan on getting a PS3 next week.

    I would like to see those consoles in my living room.
    along with my dreamcast and sega master system, it starts taking up a lot of space.
    now add my xbox into the equation to play a handful of games....

    hence the "it'd be nice if microsoft would get it together with the backwards compatibility"

    can people please stop coming here with their pointless 360 fanboy mentaility?

    go pray to your MS altar in your own thread about how awesome the 360 is.
    High quality games don't make money. Just see the Dreamcast, actually it's only alive on Japan with few titles.

    Sadly the actual video games are about quantity over quality. That's how the PS2 was successful.

  7. #27
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    High quality games don't make money. Just see the Dreamcast, actually it's only alive on Japan with few titles.

    Sadly the actual video games are about quantity over quality. That's how the PS2 was successful.
    this is exactly what I am saying!

    unfortunately, there are a lot of good games for the PS2, in addition to the smart dvd playback move.

    I'm a proud dreamcast user and owner.
    one cool thing was when they added capcom vs snk 2 to the dreamcast and playstation 2 to be able to play against each other online.

    but please... can we keep this on topic?

    this thread is only supposed to be about getting games from the xbox over to the 360 with a very high level of compatibility. ultimately 100%.

    other things this thread is about:
    MS sacrificing backwards compatibility for security.
    MS intentionally disregarding backwards compatibility until halo/halo2 owners pitched a fit.
    MS being open to people submitting requests for backwards compatibility at: [email protected]
    write IN! get your game supported!

  8. #28
    DCEmu Coder BrooksyX's Avatar
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    I am done trying to show you the flawes in your idea. We could argue about it forever, but as it currently stand there are many Xbox 1 games that don't work on the 360. M$ decided to take an economical approach to backwards compatibility by using software emulation instead of a more popular one that would guarantee 99.9% b.c.

    M$ does not owe you anything, you bought their console by choice and were not forced to purchase it in any way. So be happy that some titles currently work and that there is hope that other games may work too.

    Again, I would be really happy if all Xbox 1 games worked on the 360. But right I only see one way to fix this. You will have to go back in time and change the 360 design plan to include xbox 1 parts or make the 360 have an x86 cpu. M$ is not going to have greatly change the 360 hardware 2 years after launch. I think we can both agree that I would be very angry if they did infact do what I just said because we would be left out in the cold with our 360s.

    So basically software emulation is all what the 360 has for backwards compatability. Getting games to run is no easy task and costs lots of money for M$. They have a large group dedicated to getting old games to work on the 360. So basically you are just going to have to hope that someday your games will work. At least right now you can play them on your original Xbox.

  9. #29
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    I heard the reason MS could not use the old chips was because of rights disputes. And MS has stated they do not pick titles by favorites, in their FAQ they say one release may help with another due to similar programing or something like that.

  10. #30
    Web Designer Dude diceone's Avatar
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    rights disputes?
    that's interesting. do you have a link or anything?

    This is the first I have heard of this.

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