Acclaimed developer Patrice Desilets doesn’t believe the recent furore over the Xbox One’s digital strategy will halt the march toward a disc-less future.
"Yeah, games come on disc, and I get it guys you were really pissed off," he said of the Xbox One backlash at the Gamelab conference in Barcelona, as reported by Games Industry. "But, deep down, nobody cares about not having CDs any more. The future is digital, and there's nothing you can do about it."
The former THQ and Ubisoft dev went on to argue that while the industry is arguably at a turning point, this in no way threatens the future of triple-A games.
"Right now we are at a crossroads in our industry but I don't believe the triple-A blockbuster will die,” he added. “Maybe the way it is distributed will change, but it won't die.
“Eventually AAA will make money again. The future is digital all the way."