Codemasters' Overlord is one of those quirky titles that could prove ridiculously fun and addictive. Set up as an overlord in a twisted fantasy world, in a nutshell you have to indulge in as much corruption and nastiness as possible. It's always reminded us of a cross between Fable and Dungeon Keeper, especially as it contains plenty of dark humour.

New Overlord screenshots released focus on the minions that are under an Overlord's control.

Codemasters explains, "The minions, who together form an army that is yours to directly control, are the key play mechanic in Overlord. Totally loyal to their Overlord, the minions will use their unique skills to fetch, fight and even die for you. Their loyalty knows no limits and their bravery borders on stupidity but, with every bone in their odd little bodies, they will follow your command no matter how despotic or, for the minions, life threatening it is."

Overlord is due to release on PC and Xbox 360 this summer.

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