After denying that it was hacked at all last week, Microsoft's Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb has issued a statement blaming the recent reports of Xbox Live Hacking on a 'social engineering' incident against its customer support.

According to our reasonably intelligent technical manager (we've got to pay him for something) this most primitive of engineering basically involves tricking customer service staff into giving out passwords, which isn't that 733t really, is it?

"There's no other way to say it; this situation shouldn't have happened. Our customers deserve better," says the Major.

"I confirmed that the team is fully aware of this issue. They are examining the policies, and have already begun re-training the support staff and partners to help make sure we reduce this type of social engineering attack."

Professional tricksters - including Del Boy and Edmund Blackadder - are said to be on route.

via cvg