via gamespot

Last week was all about Sony as it launched its much-delayed PlayStation 3 in Australia. This week, Microsoft is attempting to take back some of the attention, confirming that the newly announced Xbox 360 Elite will indeed be coming down under in 2007.

Microsoft Home and Entertainment Division Regional Director for Australia and New Zealand David McLean said that the upgraded version of the 360 would be coming in "winter" this year, but declined to give more specific details. McLean also declined to disclose an Australian price.

"It's too early to announce price. We are really trying to gauge the market size for it, so when we launch we will launch with a limited number of units," he said.

McLean was happy, however, to unveil the latest sales figures for the Xbox 360 in Australia. The 360, which launched on March 23, 2006 (exactly one year earlier than the PS3), has now sold 157,000 units locally. More than 800,000 units of software have been sold, making for a software attach rate of just over five per console.

"In terms of the first year, we're delighted with the numbers and delighted with our share, and extremely delighted with our software attach because no one is competing with us there at the moment," McLean said.