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Thread: NDS: GnM FAT lib alpha/beta testers needed

  1. #1

    Default NDS: GnM FAT lib alpha/beta testers needed

    In case you haven't read my newest blog entry, we need testers that are willing to test a GnM FAT driver we are developing, I've been reading up on FAT access and ASM in the last couple of weeks, so I was thinking of writing the first GnM DLDI driver (or libFATwert driver, as it easier in some ways). I'm guessing Datel probably copied off some Slot-1 card just like how they copied off the GBAMP, so that FAT access is probably very similar to one of the popular Slot-1 cards. I relize this will take a while, because most of us are very busy so just bare with me. So if you are willing to help us test a GnM FAT driver email us at [email protected]
    I don't go on here much anymore. Find me on GBAtemp.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
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    is there any chance this could brick my ds?
    if not I will step forward

  3. #3


    i dont believe it should... this will have to wait a little longer because I just got my tonsils removed and I am not feeling in the mood to do much right now...
    I don't go on here much anymore. Find me on GBAtemp.

  4. #4


    Hey there

    I just ordered a GnM, should be here any day now. I'd be willing to try out yer FAT driver, etc. There's a bit of a catch though - I am a complete and total n00b. I may ask a lot of stoooopid questions. I only just got my DS last week...having said that though, I'm really very interested in the homebrew scene and I'd really like to learn. I'd also like to help out where I can. I have a feeling this GnM has some potential, lets see what it can do.

    So...if you don't mind answering a few questions now and then, I'm in :thumbup:


  5. #5


    PS Hope yer tonsils get better soon - stick to the ice cream!

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