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Thread: Yuji Naka -- life after SEGA and Sonic

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Default Yuji Naka -- life after SEGA and Sonic

    via PS3 Fanboy

    Legendary game designer Yuji Naka left Team Sonic and SEGA last year to form his own company known as Prope. This guy created Sonic, NiGHTS, and my most ever-beloved and cherished Phantasy Star series. Except the third one, I think. That was someone else. At least, it had a majorly different development team. Anyway, that's not what we're going to ramble on about today. What has Naka and Prope been up to this past year?

    SEGA is supporting Naka and his new company, acting as a sort of partner. Naka admits that he's got about 26 people on staff right now, most with great experience, some straight outta school. They're not going to be particular about which console they develop for -- it all depends on the type of game they're creating. They'd like as many people as possible to enjoy their games, so expect multi-platform mayhem. No sequels, side-projects, or ports of classics -- everything is going to be original. And to quote Naka's slightly creepy, but well-meaning end on that subject: "We want to make works that have the power to fill the children of the world with dreams." Or fudge. Children are happy when filled with fudge, too. So what do you guys expect out of this team? Downloadable content, games for the younger crowd, or something new and artsy?

  2. #2


    But no games for DC? BAD!

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