There's been a bit of hustle and bustle surrounding the release of BioWare's Mass Effect this afternoon, as several European websites report a June 22 exit for the RPG stunner - though Microsoft is keeping quiet.

Italian site Spazio Games (we can't read it without giggling either) first reported the date, penning the European release alongside a US exit on June 5.

Other European news ops have since claimed the dates as real, though Microsoft expectedly refused to comment when contacted this afternoon.

Whether they turn out to be right or wrong, the sci-fi effort has long been expected sooner rather than later - especially seeming as the official website has gone into media overdrive.

Fuel was added to the fire when BioWare co-boss Ray Muzyka told IGN that Mass Effect would be absent from this year's scaled-down E3 in July - blatantly because it'll already be out by then.

We recently had the pleasure to sit down and watch the entire first hour of Mass Effect in action and couldn't be more excited. Look for our full write-up on that soon.

We will of course be the first to shout from the rooftops when Microsoft starts jotting on the Xbox 360 release calendar.

via cvg