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Thread: Wifi problems with homebrew

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie rikseaside's Avatar
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    Default Wifi problems with homebrew

    Sorry to make my first post a noob plea for help, but I'm hoping some bright sparks can sort out my wifi woes.

    I have a DS Lite and an R4 (with kernel 1.07), which works a treat when playing *cough* downloaded WFC games (e.g. Tetris) over the internet via my Netgear DG834GT router. However I can't connect to the internet using the web browser in DS Organize, or connect to my PC using Win2DS or DSVNC.

    I've set up a wireless network at home and I use VNC every day at work (on an IT helpesk) so I'm not a novice at this sort of thing, oh and I know about DLDI patching as well. Either I'm missing something subtle (or blindingly obvious) or my DS is sulking for some reason. I've checked all the settings I can find, entered the various ip addresses, opened port 8888 on my router for Win2DS, tried switching off WEP and generally sworn a lot but still no joy.

    The DSOrganize browser says "Associating..." then fails. As there are no settings within the program as far as I can tell, I presume it uses the WFC settings which I know work, so how come this doesn't? Strangely, I can't find any mention of the browser on - is it actually real?

    DSVNC says "Unable to join a wifi network" and it specifically says that it uses the WFC settings. I've tried versions 3.3 and 4.1.2 of VNC server on my PC.

    Win2DS sometimes says it can't connect at all, and sometimes find my network, asks for the PC's ip address and password then sits on "Connection Status: Waiting..." until I get bored and switch it off several minutes later.

    Reading the comments pages for these programs, I can tell I'm not the only one having trouble. If anyone feels up to posting an idiot's guide it would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    Hm, new DS Lites have different wifi chips that most homebrew doesn't support, but DSOrganize should, so that probably isn't the problem (though DSVNC and Wind2DS probably won't work). You said you're using manual settings instead of automatic, so that isn't the problem either. Are you sure SSID Broadcasting is enabled? That's the only thing I can really think of.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie rikseaside's Avatar
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    Damn. Does that just mean waiting for people to write stuff that works with the new chips, or am I scuppered? Don't really fancy forking out for an old DS as well!

    SSID broadcasting is on and I actually see my network name appear on the DS when using Win2DS, when it feels like it anyway.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    SSID broadcasting is meaningless anyway
    it's still part of the beacon regardless of displaying it or not (ssid is broadcast in like 5 different places. turning it off on the router, only removes it from 1 of the 5 spots)

    I wasn't aware of win2DS tho, so I"ll give it a go tonight and see if I can get it working on my DSlite/R4 (1.07)

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie rikseaside's Avatar
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    Just for the hell of it, I tried Pointy Remote last night and it actually worked. It isn't really usable in any practical way (and the coder seems to have abandoned the project a year ago) but I did get a connection and was just about able to control my PC from the DS. Maybe there's hope yet!

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    For controlling your PC from your DS, I've found DSVNC to be the fastest and most usable. It does require that you install a VNC server on your computer, but it's worth the hassle. Just keep in mind that it'll choke quite a bit if your screen resolution is very high or if there's something on the screen that keeps changing, like an animation or something.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Both of us (and many others I think) have to wait until the programs are recompiled...

    But one is already usable for kind of new DS Lites, just have a look at:

    WiFi enabled homebrew


  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    theres a workaround way to get homebrews to connect wifi.
    1. Load nds game. 2. Soft-reset 3.start wifi homebrew

    Quote Originally Posted by j.smolka View Post

    WiFi enabled homebrew

    how do u install ds_wfi 0.3d ?

  9. #9
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    Homebrew has to be recompiled with the new wifilib before your DS Lite will run it correctly. It's not something the end-user can do unless the source and suitable means of recompiling are available.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Greed View Post
    theres a workaround way to get homebrews to connect wifi.
    1. Load nds game. 2. Soft-reset 3.start wifi homebrew
    Can you explain more about how to do this? Would this work with my R4?

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