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Thread: Drug Talk

  1. #1

    Reviews Drug Talk

    I am sick of all this anti-drug media. I'm a Marijuana user and I have a bit to say about sites such as
    First of all lets look at the stereotypical pot smoker.
    -Not dressed well
    -Talks like he's a freakin idiot
    -Stares off into space when nobody is talking
    -Lazy and inactive
    -Thinks he's better then all non pot smokers
    -Always tries to get non pot smokers to try it.

    I think all of these are incorrect. I've met many drug users in my life and near all of them were happy, clean, smart people. All of the people in school are doing great in school
    and all of the people out of school have or is working for an amazing career. I smoke pot and I'm not lazy or inactive. I exercise as a part of my schedule. I love winter sports such as boarding and skiing and when summer comes I like swimming, biking, and team sports. All of the pot smokers I know respect non pot smokers right to choose not to smoke pot.

    Myth: Smoking Pot for you is not as bad for you as smoking cigarettes.
    Neither is good for you and here's why: Inhaling burning dried plant smoke into your lungs, whether it's tobacco or pot, is bad for you. Maybe you aren't too worried about cancer at this point in your life, but, just so you know, one marijuana joint can deliver four times as much cancer- causing tar as one tobacco cigarette.

    "Marijuana does not increase risk of cancer" says a study released last year. It is packed more loosely so more tar will be released into your lungs. You know what the solution for that is? Pack it tightly and add a filter! Also using a vaporizer will get rid of dangerous chemicals. You can't say that Smoking pot is as bad for you as smoking cigarettes just because they both have dried plant smoke. Thats like saying one chocolate bar is as bad for you as two chocolate bars. They both have chocolate in them. Which in fact is not healthy for you. But do not boycott chocolate I'm for it.

    When people say that it affects peoples learning and emotions. I'm always amazed at things being taught to me when high. I can look at it in a whole different view and think about it for a long time. I never have a short attention span. As for emotions all I've ever gotten from weed is a happy positive outlook on everything. Weed expands my mind allowing me to create art or music with unique personality.

    You also seem to have this ability to bond with people in a different way. You can talk about the most bizarre things or you can talk about things and think a lot differently about them.

    Although weed does have its negative points I don't think it should be considered a dangerous illegal drug. Especially if alcohol is legal when it causes more negative effects then marijuana.

    ~ Yob

    ADMIN NOTE: Due to the large number of Drug-related topics popping up lately, we are only going to allow one remain in off-topic. The rest will be moved to JUNK. Keep it clean and not to extensive. No instructions on how to build bongs and/or how to make/prepare drugs.

    Your Friendly Admin

  2. #2
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Yeah, never believe the crap the government tells you (about anything really).

    The only reason that they care so much is because of money. They lose money every year on the stuff, so they use scare tactics to try to get people not to use it.

    Of course there are some drugs that do harm to you. These are like Herion, Meth, MDMA, etc. But most of the other ones, DON'T do harm to you.

    Also, is Marijuana addictive, Yobumtin?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Yeah, never believe the crap the government tells you (about anything really).

    The only reason that they care so much is because of money. They lose money every year on the stuff, so they use scare tactics to try to get people not to use it.

    Of course there are some drugs that do harm to you. These are like Herion, Meth, MDMA, etc. But most of the other ones, DON'T do harm to you.

    Also, is Marijuana addictive, Yobumtin?

    Heyy X. :] In a way its addictive. You can get physically addicted to it but its not dangerously addictive. Withdrawal wouldn't even be dangerous or harmful to your health. You just might get stressed, and a bit down. You wouldn't freak out as you would for alcohol or cocaine. Its hard to get addicted to weed since THC addictive. Most of the time someone will get addicted because they use it to escape from their problems or as a way to deal with stress. Although it works, people shouldn't use this as a resort every time or else they can become psychologically dependent.

    But yeah I find there is a lot of government BS going around. I find they use a lot of facts from studies from a long time ago that have been proven wrong.

  4. #4
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    The reason I would want to use it, is for a study aid. If what you say is true, then it would help me a lot in school (which I need).

  5. #5
    DCEmu Coder splodger15's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yobumtin View Post
    All of the people in school are doing great in school

    Not all,

    I have friends that i know got onto weed.

    There grades slipped like running up a big hill with ICE on it.

    They lost everything from being top of the class to being the bottom of nearly every subject.

    When you try talking to them most of the time they are buzzing out there heads. Even when there are not buzzing there speech is all slow.

    Most of them regret getting on it in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yobumtin View Post
    Although weed does have its negative points I don't think it should be considered a dangerous illegal drug. Especially if alcohol is legal when it causes more negative effects then marijuana.

    Marijuana also leads to schizophrenia in later parts of life.

    I am not against anyone that smokes it its there life they want to smoke it then they can.

    PSN ID: splodger15

  6. #6


    Yeah I'm definitely not saying everyone does well in school. I made myself a little unclear. I'm saying it didn't effect everyone in school. It wouldn't work great as a study aid since for some people it effects the problem solving skills. But there are many smart people who use it. I sorta wanted to make a point that the typical pot user isn't an idiot who can't think for himself. I just find myself fascinated by stuff when I'm under the effects.

    And yes it can cause schizophrenia but there is usually many other factors that build up to schizophrenia along with marijuana. Like usually just marijuana won't build up to schizophrenia (although it can). Usually something else such as a psychological problem adds to it.

  7. #7
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Splodger15, maybe it was laced with something else?

    I don't know anybody that uses drugs recreationally, so I am limited to the knowledge that I have read, and have heard from people on here.

    Yobumtin, maybe you can give me some?

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Also, is the "Legal Marijuana" that I have heard about good? Does it work?

    It's where they cross-breed Marijuana and some other plant (blueberry or anything else) to make a legal form of Marijuana. Google search it.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    To all of you saying legalizing marijuana is bad, it isn't. Legalizing it would remove the black markets that profit off selling it. Think about it, alcohol prohibition didn't work because mobsters got into making alcohol illegally; it's the same with this "war on drugs."

    Marijuana cannot kill you, it's impossible. I could go on for days about why it must be legalized and debate the whole topic but I'm lazy. Go watch the episode of Penn and Teller Bullhsit on the War on Drugs.
    Quote Originally Posted by ExcruciationX View Post
    Also, is the "Legal Marijuana" that I have heard about good? Does it work?

    It's where they cross-breed Marijuana and some other plant (blueberry or anything else) to make a legal form of Marijuana. Google search it.
    It doesn't get you high, so it's not like real marijuana. But it's legal and cheap. The makers say it's relaxing. It's like $45 for an ounce, check it out:

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