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Thread: GTA IV: The debate continues

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    ps3 GTA IV: The debate continues

    via Computer and Video Games

    Despite a stellar reception from the press, not everyone was completely satisfied with the bandwidth-burning GTA IV trailer that hit the internet with a bang last week.

    Three main trends among complainers crammed our comments section over the weekend, including outcries over the "untreatable" Russian main character, complaints of "yet again" returning to Liberty City and erm, apparently some people don't think the visuals look up to par.

    "Talk about an anti climax! I was waiting hours for this watching the clock count down. I was expecting to see something fun that would make me need a 360 or PS3 but meh... It's Liberty/New York in a contemporary setting - how boring", said CVG user GiarcYekrub. "The only positive I can see is the bilboards look funny but that lasts how long?"

    Believe it or not, others were more harsh in their criticism: "Oh my god, what a letdown", Burnsyboy2004 posted on Friday. "It's set in Liberty City again which is crap, and you're some dirty Russian gangster. Looks like they have run out of ideas boys and girls. Same old game again then but with better graphics."

    But obviously not everyone was as disappointed over the GTA IV debut. Buffers32 defended the trailer: "I don't know what some of you were looking at but personally I just saw some the best graphics in a video game ever. Soft shadows, real-time lighting, volumetric lighting, massive draw distance, incredible detail, beautiful water...what more do you want?"

    Whitepony888 echoed Buffers' comments: "Although I've seen better graphics on the Xbox 360, I honestly never anticipated GTAIV to look quite so beautiful. I haven't wanted to play a game this much since the series first moved into full 3D."

    "I'm just glad that you don't have to be an american this time!" Piped in fellow CVG forumite Kapt15. We're with you on that.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie JesusXP's Avatar
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    I definately can relate. I expected to be blow away as well, but the character model especially let me down. I mean, check out his face and hair.. thats probably the biggest let down. It just appears so last gen. And I wouldn't put it past rockstar to rehash the same p.o.s game over and over again with little innovation.

    The past GTA games, have done little to expand on what they already delivered. People are doing it better than them now, and they really need to step it up. I think they are planning on really just selling a name, and no longer a quality product. GTA will ship millions but I think it will be more interesting to read the reviews (and the ones that aren't bought).

    They really should have released more gameplay information. How about buildings? They look nice.. can we GO INSIDE? Thanks for not answering that question Rockstar. Sure water looks pretty.. Are we able to swim? Are we able to boat (we can assume), what are the physics like? How about character animations? They still look pretty much like the same walking animation as the last time.. What about when he sets up to punch? Does it still feel cheap?

    I dunno, I have alot of unanswered questions, but in my opinion they just set themselves back a bit. Most of the negative reaction is based on the fact they witheld screen and information for so long, only to "tease" with something that has most of us yawning... I wasn't impressed, and evidently I was not alone.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Regular
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    I've also was a little bit disapointed at first.
    But It s gta, we all have big expectation for it, so it maybe normal to be disapointed...?!

    However, Gta never been about the graphics...(Even San Andreas isn t that good looking...)It s more about the variety of thing to do, and the trailer didn't show much of it...

    overall the trailer seem to be a good graphical upgrade from the latest opus of the I am now waiting for some gameplay footage...

  4. #4
    PSP User csd-san's Avatar
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    I'm just glad it's not about thug life again. That's so overdone.

    How much information do people want from a teaser? Gameplay information will come in time. You know, when the game is more complete and some aspects aren't just a whim on a coder's agenda.

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    You say other games are doing it better now? What games are those? I have yet to find one with the amount of freedom and creativity this series has given you. the whole point was to let you do what you want and they nailed it every time. So what if its practically the same game, they give you a new plot everytime and by san adreas huge areas with tons of new content from the original. I see a complete city in this trailer and for me to see that is quite impressive, what other game even game trailer offers you the sense that you have a whole state to explore with every nook and allyway completely original from the next? I sometimes just dont get what people want from these games anymore.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie JesusXP's Avatar
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    So you haven't played other GTA clones? You haven't played Saints Row? More adult theme, better graphics. Tons of freedom. Responsive controls. Better Physics...

    I dont like how people elude to GTA "never being about the graphics" and references as such.. Who see's it that way? Don't make an excuse for Rockstar. They repackaged the same lame game almost 6 times and sold it on its Name. I had fun with GTA, but its a piss-poor game. Nothing about it ever felt great, it was just the only game that let you be a bad-ass for as long as you wanted, so long as you could evade the police. Realistically, I will go out on a limb and say 75% of gamers bought it for that reason alone. Was Hot Coffee supposed to push the genre further? Did GTA really do anything special, or for that matter better than you see it being done by the most recent games? The missions are pretty lame. The presentation is getting stale. The controls have never been solid. Animations are clunky looking. The newest trailer leaves alot of that still seemingly in tact.

    I'd like to see what direction they advanced the game in this time, because I felt like they severely burned us last gen. GTA3, Vice City, LCS, VCS, San Andreas, The SAME game... 6 times... I have serious beef with Rockstar over this haha.. I dunno, I'm extremely dissapointed in the quality of Game. At the very least if you feel like the gameplay isnt weak, I don't think we've been playing the same game.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Rookie rehbock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JesusXP View Post
    I definately can relate. I expected to be blow away as well, but the character model especially let me down. I mean, check out his face and hair.. thats probably the biggest let down. It just appears so last gen. And I wouldn't put it past rockstar to rehash the same p.o.s game over and over again with little innovation.
    Wtf it looks so last gen? Everyone is just into graphics ?
    Noone interrest in a good Gameplay or a good story ? All new stuff is just trash. A girl with bigger
    faked tits maybe look at the first view interresting
    but ends up like the old one, because the Character
    didnt change.

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