via cvg

Good news for those of you anticipating the launch of Funcom's MMORPG Age of Conan on PC - beta sign-ups kick off today!

There's no confirmed date for the start of the beta yet, but with the developer saying it'll give us the opportunity to play the game month's before release, it can't be too far off. On PC, Age of Conan is due to release on October 30.

An Xbox version of the MMORPG is also in development.

Go to to sign up. As per usual with these things, submitting an application for the beta doesn't guarantee you'll be called up.

"We have been waiting for this day since we started development on Age of Conan, and it will be an epic moment as we see large waves of players charging into Hyboria", Funcom founder and Age of Conan game director Gaute Godager has said of the arrival of the beta sign-up.

"As we get ready to unleash the most brutal MMO ever created we will let an increasing amount of players test our creation. With extended Beta testing for months to come we can hone and polish based on large-scale feedback, allowing us to fulfil the potential of the game."