The latest issue of Japan's Famitsu has uncovered Square Enix's surprising move into "pratical" DS software, including travel guides, yoga lessons and even flower blooming.

No doubt trying to tap the success of Nintendo's own non-game Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, the firm will unleash DS Yoga Lessons You Can Start Today, Why Not Listen To Classical Music On DS? and Flower-Blooming DS Gardening Lite on the handheld market.

The company is also planning a series of DS software based on the popular Japanese travel guide World Walking, including stylus-fuelled guides for Italy, Hawaii and New York. Any chance we can get one for Sidcup, Square?

In more pleasing handheld news, Famitsu also has previews on Square Enix's proper DS games Final Fantasy Tactics A2 and Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, which look to be shaping up nicely.

We haven't been able to locate any release info for the "practical" software line-up yet, but Mike is being whipped over his Learn Japanese book as we speak and we will, as you can imagine, leap on the info as soon as it surfaces.

via cvg