via cvg

BioWare has responded to the public outcry over yesterday's rather rough-looking Mass Effect screenshots, admitting that the shots were a "mistake" and "didn't look very good".

"The other day, we released 3 new screenshots," posts BioWare community coordinator Chris Priestly. "A few people posted comments about how the art in Mass Effect was 'dumbed down' and wasn't looking very good. And I took exception to the comment and posted my feelings. The problem was, the screenshots they were criticising DIDN'T look very good."

The post continues: "The whole truth of the matter is that the person at BioWare who took those screenshots made a mistake. People in our industry don't admit this much, but we do make mistakes.

"The person took those screens at the last minute as they were needed for the article. He did take them in game from areas of the game that worked and then he sent them off... He didn't clear them with Casey and the ME team though."

To prove to internet doubters that the RPG stunner in fact hasn't been "dumbed down" Priestly went and captured a new screenshot which he says "much more accurately shows the true quality of the art that you'll see in Mass Effect".

You can see the screenshot for yourself on the right of this page - and admittedly it's a vast improvement over the shoddily compressed pics from yesterday.

"I just wanted everyone to see this, especially those who had some concerns about the final quality, so they would have a better idea of what the game will really be like."

Screens via link above