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Thread: Make All Systems Region Free and Import Friendly

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News Make All Systems Region Free and Import Friendly

    Since the death of Lik Sang last year it is now virtually impossible to import games into the UK and Europe from companies like Play Asia, Play Asia are obviously scared of lawsuits from Sony for selling PSP & PS3 games to the UK after Sony went after UK firms and eventually claimed the scalp of Lik Sang who were easily the biggest importer of games and consoles worldwide.

    I suppose you can understand Sonys point that hardware brought from Japan may not work or with stepdown power issues not last long but people who import know this anyway. But with systems like the PSP, Nintendo DS and Playstation 3 all being region free systems it seems stupid that we cant buy games (and consoles) from anywhere in the world.

    Also in this day and age of technology its mad that any system is not region free, the PSP, PS3, Nintendo DS are all region free and all selling extremely well, even the Xbox 360 is region free on some games.

    Come on people lets show that the Gaming Public want Region Free and the ability to buy games and consoles from anywhere.

    Give your views via Comments

    Help DIGG THIS and get everyone to respond to this issue

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Because Importing is shifting from a minority to a mainstream activity it is eroding the usual revenue stream of these companies.

    The consumer wishes to take advantage of advantageous buying strategies while a company wishes to limit, retain control and milk that cash cow some more.

    However, I think we are moving into "region free" as its much the same as globalization as a concept. We see it in TV already in how little time it now takes to see a US show in the UK. Companies were forced into doing this as the globalised Internet allowed the consumer the ability to not wait AT ALL.

    The more console companies limit the consumer the more it will damage the company in the long term. Why should I wait 6 months for a game to arrive in the UK from the states when we all know there are alternatives such as Importing and Piracy. Remove importing as an avenue and guess what happens.

    Companies will slowly catch up once they realise that the ultimate bottom line is being damaged...I hope

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie
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    There is a petition for this on the 10 Downing Street website. You can sign it here:

    It seems quite popular!

    The only thing is you need to be British to sign this!

  4. #4


    online petitions don't work

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    This just brings up an interesting point - I doubt it's a new one, because there are more intelligent people than I out there.

    I've been wanting them to standardize [American] things for a while, especially from a game development standpoint. How neat would it be to have Japanese, European and American (and any other) studios working in tandem to localize scripts, record voice sessions where applicable, and raise concerns over content for their region. It may extend the development process by a few months, but if done well it could do quite well. A game released with several language tracks and several subtitle tracks, as well as a selectable menu language - it would be really neat.

    I figure this kind of cross-continental development process would eliminate the need to release several different versions of a game by being able to release one version worldwide... of course, this doesn't address the different power system in the UK and I'm not sure how that all works technically so... it would lessen the necessity for importing on some big name titles and if there wasn't a market for a game it could still be imported but could be tagged as a 'For The European Market Only' or some equivalent. The logistical nightmare of actually coordinating this tandem approach would be kind of scary...

    edit: I'll disagree -slightly- JKKDARK ... Online petitions can work, and have to a very limited degree - the most recent is Bioshock 3, with the developer openly stating that if they got a certain number of signatures they would release a special edition alongside the standard. One closer to my heart would be the Silver Lining - or the KQIX project if you'd prefer - where there was a Cease and Desist order offered to the developers but due to fan based uproar and some good luck Vivendi listened and let development continue. I'll agree, though, that they almost never work... the Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and FM2+ will probably never see US shores, and that's sad. Stack that on top of the countless other petitions out there and it looks quite bleak...

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    online petitions don't work
    I have signed petitions on the 10 Downing Street website before that have been sucessful. The good thing about this petition site is that it is government run, and it is the government that can make a difference.

    Oh, and the main petition that I signed that was sucessful was to legalise making backups of music for your own personal use if anyone is wondering.

    I personally find it a good petition site, but anyone is free to make their own decisions about online petitions.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    i still have a lik sang sticker in my wallet. But i agree if there is no need to import we wont import (goin for a all world release date not a 12 month wait) bored now.

  8. #8
    PSP Coder
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    Not to comment too far into this but I wish people would stop crying over lik-sang. There are many import shops willing to ship to the UK. Hell my favorite site not only ships globaly, but ALSO IS CHEAPER THEN LIK-SANG EVER WAS!!!

    While in the old days lik-sang was a great site, It's former self over the last 2 years before closing were nothing more then an empty shell.

    Buy from if you want better prices and global shipping. I've bought everything from psp games to my japanese 360.

  9. #9
    Dream Coder
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    There are many GOOD reasons why video games (as well as movies) are not region free. That is a post I made the last time THIS EXACT THREAD was made.
    If anyone is looking to buy, sell, trade games and support a developer directly at the same time, consider joining Goozex. Enjoy!

  10. #10
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    Umm.....stores like Fry's Electronics import games, thats how I am playing Breath of Fire III here in the US.

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