As Microsoft spilt what little was left of their Xbox 360 guts all over MTV last night, the positively tight-lipped Nintendo decided to sneak out a few details of their own regarding their next-gen console, Revolution.

The big news is that Nintendo are planning a break from the traditional reliance on unique proprietary formats for their consoles, namely cartridges for their older systems and the mini DVD format for Gamecube.

Instead, Revolution will apparently play DVD movies, suggesting that games for the machine will almost certainly be available on this more conventional format, although it will still be backwards compatible with Gamecube games.

Details regarding the size of the console have also emerged, and point to the machine being incredibly bijou. The vertically standing console is reportedly no taller than a regular DVD case, and is just over an inch wide. Small. Compact. Nice.

After all the crazy wild talk of squeezy controllers and stereoscopic 3D gaming, it's refreshing to actually obtain some orthodox info regarding the console. Of course, we're anticipating that E3 will reveal more, so stick with us all of next week when we'll be updating direct from the show.